Apply for Mikä neuvoksi project event grant!

Mikä neuvoksi -hanke - MIkä neuvoksi project
Mikä neuvoksi ("What would help?") is a student well-being project run jointly by the University of Vaasa and the Student Union of the University of Vaasa.

The project aims to support organizations and individuals to organize community-building events on campus.

Financial support is granted only to drug-free, interdisciplinary and non-profit events and occasions that promote student well-being. The student union's specialist in student interests processes the received applications and informs the applicant who has filled out the form of the aid decision.

There is no due date for applying for the event grant, and you can apply for it all year round. To apply for event funding, go to the Mikä neuvoksi event funding application form.

More about Mikä neuvoksi project

For more information on student well-being services, see the Students home page on the university website, under Well-being and safety.

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