Asian Studies Days in Vaasa: Regionalization is a rising trend in Asia
– When Chinese watch Korean drama, it helps them to understand that we are not so separated, but there are a lot of similarities in our cultures, says professor Soo Hyun Jang from the University of Kwanwoon in South Korea.
The Asia Network of Finnish universities organizes annually Asian Studies Days, which provide a national platform for discussions and networking in Asian studies. Yesterday it was time for Master's Course Lecture Day and today for Symposium.
– Asian Studies Days gives a chance to meet other researchers and doctoral students. It is important that the doctoral students get comments and support from the experts of Asia, asays the director of Asia Network Outi Luova from the University of Turku.
Professor Haibin Qi from Huazhong University of Science & Tec in China gives today a speech about Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the "One belt, One road" policy and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He says that regionalization is not always so easy in Asia. Political reasons and old historiacal quarrels disturb the development.
– In China and in Japan we should learn from European Union, how to put old disagreements behind and learn to compromise, he says.
Asian Studies Days are only one part of what the Asia network is doing. The main task is to arrange online courses on Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level. The online courses are free of charge to the students of the member universities like the University of Vaasa.