Donate to the University by text message

Uutisen oletuskuva
From now you can donate to the University of Vaasa also by text message. Donation of 10 euros to research and science is possible to make easy by sending message UVA to number 16499.
Lahjoita 10 euroa yliopiston varainhankintaan lähettämällä viesti UVA numeroon 16499.

– Text message donation is an easy way to donate a small amount of money to serve a good purpose. Text message donation will be in use till the end of the campaign, June 2017. We wish the friends of our University would use this possibility to support the University of Ostrobothnia. The state will triple the donation during the fund-raising campaign, which means a 10 euro donation will produce 40 euros to the University’s profits, says Mika Palosaari, External Relations Manager in the University.

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