The enrollment to the international EUNICE Study Module has begun!

The international EUNICE studies are recognised by the University of Vaasa and they can be added to each study program either as minor study module (15 ECTS or more) or as separate one or two courses. The international EUNICE Study Module is offered by the seven European universities including the university of Vaasa. If you are interested in studying multidisciplinary studies together with international students, then enroll to the courses now! The full EUNICE Study Module includes a minimum of 15 ECTS. The combination of courses is flexible and allows you to choose courses based on your own study discipline. Some suggestions for possible combinations can be found in the study guide. It is also allowed to choose only one or two courses from the EUNICE Study Module.
For some of the courses there are limitations on the number of the participants. The students that have completed more ECTS’s and are motivated to add diverse and international studies to their own study programs are prioritized in the enrolment.
For more information go to Study Guide’s part Study Modules and there to International EUNICE Study Module.
EUNICE is formed by these universities:
- University of Vaasa
- University of Cantabria (UNICT)
- University of Mons (UMONS)
- University of Catania (UC)
- Poznan University of Technology (PUT)
- Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU)
- Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France (UPHF)
For more information about EUNICE: