EUNICE – European University for Customised Education

European higher education is changing rapidly. To succeed, University of Vaasa needs international and long-term partnerships in higher education and a high-quality digital education offering. University of Vaasa is, together with six other universities, paving the way for future universities in Europe by forming the EUNICE alliance. The alliance provides a strong basis for education and research addressing societal challenges together with the regions' industries and employers as well as social and cultural communities.
EUNICE provides:
- opportunities for staff members and students for international exchange and networking
- a high-quality digital learning offering enabling flexible and multidisciplinary studies
- the opportunity to get international teaching experience as well as support and resources for digitalizing courses
- opportunities for our university community to extend European business partnerships, to get innovative ideas and increase peer learning as well as to access further research infrastructures
The EU funded (Erasmus +) alliance has received five million euros for the years 2020–2023. University of Vaasa's share is about 670,000 euros.
EUNICE – European University for Customised Education
Duration: 01.11.2020-31.12.2023
Funding from: Erasmus +
External funding: 5 000 000 €
External funding for the University of Vaasa: 671 232 €
Total budget: 6 249 999 €
Total budget for the University of Vaasa: 839 040 €
Project partners:
- Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland (coordinator)
- Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus- Senftenberg (BTU), Germany
- University of Cantabria (UC), Spain
- University of Mons (UMONS), Belgium
- University of Catania (UNICT), Italy
- Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France (UPHF), France
Contact persons, University of Vaasa: Ivanka Capova ja Mona Enell-Nilsson