LähiTapiola Pohjanmaa donates 50 000 euros to the University of Vaasa

Uutisen oletuskuva
LähiTapiola Pohjanmaa donates 50 000 euros to University’s Faculty of Business Studies. By supporting education and research and by strengthening the innovation can create well-being as well as employment situation and economic growth.
Kuvassa (vas.) professori Jorma Larimo, rehtori Jari Kuusisto, toimitusjohtaja Pasi Haarala, yhteyspäällikkö Mika Palosaari ja markkinointijohtaja Johanna Kuoppamäki.

Behind the donation is LähiTapiola’s and University of Vaasa’s common aim to support the regional development and increase the vitality of entire Finland.

– It is important for us that Ostrobothnia region stays strong and vital. LähiTapiola involves in developing this region and we are genuinely a part of the local economic life, says Pasi Haarala, the Managing Director of LähiTapiola Pohjanmaa.

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