Major rise in interest towards international Master's programmes

Uutisen oletuskuva
The University of Vaasa's international Master's programmes attracted applicants from all over the world. The Master's programmes received a total of 1,137 applications from 63 countries, creating an overwhelming increase of 36% compared to last year (2019: 837). The applicants are particularly interested in the quality of education and Finnish study culture.
Yhdysvaltalainen Dylan Brown tutki yliopistojen ranking-listoja ennen kuin päätti hakea Vaasan yliopistoon. Kuva: Tiina Rantakoski

Six English-language Master's programmes in the fields of business and technology were included in the call for applications that closed on 24 January. The most popular programmes were International Business (302 applicants) and Strategic Business Development (239 applicants), both of which have achieved the international EPAS accreditation.

The number of applicants increased the most in the Industrial Systems Analytics programme in the field of technology by over 60 percentage points (2020: 90 applicants, 2019: 56). A similar growth was witnessed in the Industrial Management programme (2020: 191 applicants, 2019: 120 applicants). These programmes were awarded the ASIIN accreditation in December 2019.

A total of 145 students will be admitted. The share of Finnish applicants was 30%, and after Finland the highest number of applications was received from Pakistan, Ghana and Nigeria. Finnish universities have since 2017 charged annual tuition fees from new degree students coming outside the EU and the EEA. With the introduction of the tuition fees, the number of applicants decreased by about half nationwide, but at the University of Vaasa the number of applications now rose back to the level before the tuition fees.

At the University of Vaasa, the annual tuition fee varies between EUR 10,000–12,000, and students liable to pay the fees have the option to apply for a grant that either fully or partially covers the tuition fee. The share of applicants from outside the EU/EEA is now 66.5% of all applicants.

Decisions on the students to be admitted will be made during March, and the studies will start in autumn 2020.

The appeal of high-quality education

Dylan Brown, who is from the United States, started his studies in the International Business programme last autumn. Before applying, he explored university rankings, and then decided to apply to the University of Vaasa.

- I got the impression that the quality of education is high, and my expectations have even exceeded, Brown comments.

One of the things Brown has particularly liked is that studying is quite informal.

- The relationship to professors and among students is straightforward. The atmosphere is good and learning is in-depth in nature, Brown observes.

Coming from the United States, Brown pays the annual tuition fee, but considers it very reasonable.

- It's not at all over-priced, but worth every penny.

Brown is from Chicago, and after completing his studies he will aim at getting into the banking and finance sector and will most likely return to Illinois.

- I've got to know Finland. I've enjoyed the long bright summer and even had the chance to see the northern lights in Lapland.

Further information:

Vice-Rector Annukka Jokipii, tel. +358 29 449 8482
annukka.jokipii (at)

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