New students start their studies

opiskelijoita orientaatiopäivillä syksyllä 2021
At the University of Vaasa, more than 160 students will start their studies in international master's programmes. Approximately 680 new students will start their studies this autumn in bachelor´s programmes and 140 in master’s programmes held in Finnish.

Studies for new students begin with orientation days. Events that vary by the field of study are held both remotely and in small groups on campus. The orientation days of the international master's programmes were held on 23–24 August. Orientation of the bachelor's programmes held in Finnish will be on 25–27 August. The orientation of new Finnish-speaking master´s students was last week.

At the orientation event, students receive information about the university, their field of study as well as academic studies. In general, courses will start at the beginning of September.

The university and the student union work in close cooperation in taking in the new students. Tutors, students who are already completing studies at the university, act as a link between new students and the university community. They help new students get started in student life and also introduce the university and the city. The aim is to arrange tutoring in a covid-safe way by dividing students into smaller groups at meetings and events. Several tutors are now quarantined, but new students will not be left alone.

- The University of Vaasa will open the campus in a safe manner in the autumn. It is important that new students become attached to our community right at the beginning of their studies, and that student’s well-being is supported in various ways. New students and second-year students are especially considered in the implementation of teaching, says Vice-Rector Annukka Jokipii.

In the autumn term, the aim is to organise small-group teaching on campus but lectures for large numbers of students will be mainly online. The opening of the university’s academic year will be held online on 6 September.

Further information

Vice-Reactor Annukka Jokipii, University of Vaasa, tel. +358 29 449 8482, annukka.jokipii(@)

Service Manager Helena Höglund, Admisson Services, University of Vaasa, tel. +358 29 449 8152, helena.hoglund(@)

Specialist Miisa Aho, Admisson Services, University of Vaasa, tel. +358 29 449 8166, miisa.aho(@)

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