Nyyti news 5/2020

Have a wonderful summer and Midsummer
Summer is already here, but can your summer be more than just a summer and flies. At least for us at Nyyti, summer is full of many kinds of interesting things. In Nyyti's channels, we will discuss the challenges related to the student's finances, as well as issues related to one's own coping, everyday management and one's own feelings. All of these are things that in our present moment, and also at another time, might make us all think.
Summer is also associated with the midsummer festival - Midsummer. We want to wish everyone a relaxed and safe Midsummer!
Summer and economy – How to Manage and Have Faith in the Future
In the summer, Nyyti will discuss the challenges of the COVID-19 summer from various points of view - especially in regards to the economy. Themed chats will continue, and we will release a blog series where, for instance, student associations will present their views. We are also going to highlight some of Nyyti’s materials that talk about coping with life, managing daily life, and processing one’s emotions.
We will also share a lot of information about places and avenues where you can find and get help. Let’s not be left alone. Rather, let’s spend the summer together, even if it’s remotely.
Follow our social media channels and stay tuned for all of this. You can find more information on Nyytis website.
Amidst chande, the most important thing is to be gentle with yourself
”Työelämä on erityisesti nyt epävarmaa ja moni vastavalmistunut joutuu aluksi kamppailemaan työttömyyden kanssa. Moni heistä viettää varmasti nyt unettomia öitä asiaa ajatellessaan. Työllistymiseen voi itse vaikuttaa vain rajallisesti ja joskus työnhaku tuntuu toivottomalta ja sattumanvaraiselta. Kaiken epävarmuuden keskellä tärkeintä on muistaa, että et ole yksin.”
Lue blogistamme Suomen opiskelijakuntien liitto - SAMOK ry:n hyvinvointipolitiikan asiantuntija Hannele Kirveskosken ajatuksia epävarmuudesta ja lempeydestä. Muista, että apua on saatavilla, eikä aina tarvitse pärjätä yksin.
Entering the workforce – is the change wonderful or horrific?
“The transition into full-time work was both wonderful and horrific. Mostly wonderful, though—being able to do the work that I studied for and that I feel is right for me.”
Read Suomen Ammattiin Opiskelevien Liitto - SAKKI ry vice president Jutta Vihonen'sentire blog post about working life and the worry about those who graduate.
Nyyti´s chats in July and August
Below you can see all our upcoming chats.
- Tue 21 July from 3 pm to 5 pm: After graduation, is there a future?
- Tue 25 August from 3 pm to 5 pm: Climate anxiety