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Group and training information is only published in Finnish. In addition, you will find information about upcoming NyytiCoaching for students. Please note that not all of our upcoming fall events are mentioned in this letter, so it's worth following us on social media or visiting our website regularly.
You can find the most up-to-date information about our activities on Nyyti's pages on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and, as well as on Twitter and Tuudo, and of course on Nyyti’s website.
September means the start of studies for many students. Others start in a completely new degree program and others return to an old familiar place. At the start of studies or when returning to them, the student comes across expectations for oneself and also assumptions about what an ideal student is like. If the student does not identify with the assumed mold or feels unable to meet the set expectations, the result can be stressful alienation. These ideals cannot be called mental health- or diversity-friendly, but by identifying narrow models and bringing out alternatives, it is possible to expand them.
Each student's story is unique. Different stories about being a student should be brought out - including those where everything doesn't go right at once, and where you don't travel along predetermined routes.
Henri Heikintalo, the project coordinator of our Takaisin opintoihin (author’s translation: Back to studies) -project, writes in our blog about the model of the ideal student and the narrow assumptions placed on students. The blog is written in Finnish. You can read the blog here.
September's Nyyti Chat in English will be held on September 27. The topic of the chat is: Studying with Learning Disabilities.
Sometimes learning disabilities are only diagnosed during postgraduate studies when the nature of the studying changes and the number of tasks multiplies. Come ang gain tips on where to get help and support. We will have an expert guest from The Rehabilitation Foundation’s Learning Support Centre in the chat.
Join us, share your thoughts, feelings and experiences, and find new perspectives to learning disabilities!
Check out all our chats on our website.
This fall, Nyyti offers students a variety of group activities! The groups are held in Finnish, and they are open to all students. Nyyti organises Elämäntaitokurssi (the Learn Life Skills) -course and Yksinäisyys mielessä (Loneliness in Mind) -peer groups, as well as a group for ADHD youth. We have also MiehenTila peer groups for male students, as well as a peer group for older students.
Are you in the final stages of your studies? Would you like to receive coaching on finding your own direction and recognising your potential? Do you need support in clarifying goals related to working life and career?
With NyytiCoaching, this is possible! The coaching process includes three online meetings. The coaches are certified professionals.
Coaching is aimed at university of applied sciences and university students in the final stages of their studies, as well as doctoral students all over Finland. Coaching is free of charge for students.
The application for the autumn NyytiCoaching program starts on Monday 19 September 2022 at 10 a.m. Places may fill up quickly, so if you are interested - mark the date and apply!
More information and the link to the application form can be found on our website.