University of Vaasa in the Era of AI - through the eyes of the students


Welcome to answer a survey and help us understand the experiences of students about the University of Vaasa in the era of AI. Your answer will take about 5 minutes.


Our aim is to understand the perspective of students about future teaching, campus, and the University of Vaasa in the era of digitalisation and AI. Your answers are important: the teachers of the University of Vaasa can apply the results in realisation of courses and to consider, for example, about applying Chat GPT in the studies.

The survey is conducted as part of a course ”Regional development project work”. The responsible teacher is Johanna Hautala, Associate Professor in Regional Studies. The course has a research permit by the University of Vaasa. The topic of our course is related to the current research project funded by the Academy of Finland. You may read more about the project here. We may apply the survey also in the research project.

Responses are anonymous and we handle them with confidentiality. More information about the privacy policy here.

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