University of Vaasa receives 750,000 euros from the Academy of Finland for profiling strategic research

Vaasan yliopisto
The Academy of Finland has granted the University of Vaasa 750,000 euros of PROFI6 funding for profiling strategic research. The funding application of the University of Vaasa is called Sustainable Energy Transition – Towards Regenerative and Resilient Socio-Technical Systems, and it concentrates on the ongoing energy transition in society.

Multidisciplinary research on energy transition is a central profiling area of the University of Vaasa and involves all disciplines of the university. The subject also has global significance, as it is a key factor in combatting climate change.

– With profiling funding from the Academy of Finland, the University of Vaasa strengthens its multidisciplinary research on energy transition, says Rector Jari Kuusisto.

Research on energy transition has been developed with profiling funding already before. According to Kuusisto, the profiling funding that was granted now will be used to employ new researchers and, thereby, develop the university’s research on this profiling area at an international level.

The aim of the profiling funding by the Academy of Finland is to expedite the strategy-based research profiling of Finnish universities and to support the development of the quality of research. When applying for profiling funding, the universities described how they intend to promote their strengths, research themes, and emerging research fields.

According to the Academy of Finland, universities applied for funding for 35 profiling areas; most of these continue and build on previously funded profiling areas. The applications were assessed by an international panel of experts, whose members consisted of heads of European universities.

Further information

Rector Jari Kuusisto, tel +358 29 449 8291,

Vice-rector, Research Minna Martikainen, tel. +358 29 449 8611,

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