The Week of Well-being 2020 (26.-30.10.2020)

Week of Well-being is hosted by the University of Vaasa and The Student Union of the University of Vaasa in collaboration with key partners of the university. The week of well-being has been arranged at the University since 2011. This year the event will be held in week 44 between Monday 26.10 and Friday 30.10.
All events are free of charge and open to all students as well as staff at the University of Vaasa.
Follow VYY´s website Week of well-being 2020 for more information!
Participate in the week of well-being and enroll in a lottery to win prizes
To enroll in the lottery, please answer the digital form linked below by the 4th of November! You can win great prizes such as university items in the lottery. The lottery will be conducted 5.11. and the prices will be sent to the winners via mail.
Enroll in the lottery
Tuesday 27.10.
Coping in remote working and distance learning
- Time: 9.00-10.00
- Place: Zoom-lecture
- Educator: Minna Björkman, an occupational health psychologist at Pihlajalinna
- The lecture: (Password: 011265)
Wednesday 28.10.
Sleep and recovery (in English)
- Time: 10.00-11.00
- Place: Zoom-lecture
- Educator: Johnny Granholm, sleep coach
- The lecture: (Password: 446648)
Virtual hike with campus dogs
Come out for a walk with campus dogs. Put on sneakers and go with us on a virtual walk in the park. Through Zoom you will be accompanied by campus dogs whose leash and the camera is being held by Liisa Mäkelä. Let's enjoy the outdoors together!
- Time: 14.30-15.00
- Send an email before 27.10. at 16.00 to liisa.makela(at) to sign up
- You will receive an email with the zoom link before the event
- More information:
Thursday 29.10.
Stress management during corona time, how to take care of your well-being?
- Time: 14.00-15.00
- Place: Zoom-lecture
- Educator: Ray Ohtonen, study psychologist and Priska Pennanen, psychologist
- The lecture: (Password: 212515)
Friday 30.10.
Elintavoilla hyvinvoivaksi (in Finnish)
- Time: 9.00-10.00
- Place: Zoom-lecture
- Educator: Carita Sandell-Kaukonen, occupational health nurse and service supervisor in Pihlajalinna
- The lecture: (Password: 540577)
Other activities
- Participate in the City of Vaasa’s Sports Services’ live-exercise classes on Facebook! The City of Vaasa’s Sports Services’ on Facebook
- Participate in the University of Vaasa’s Sports Services’ remote group exercise classes on zoom. All classes and their zoom links are listed at website BohoYoga
- Complete small exercise and wellness challenges during the week of well-being! All the challenges
- Download and use the break exercise program BREAK PRO. You can install it on your phone or computer by the instructions on the sports activities site.
Best regards,
The work group of the well-being week