The Week of Well-being raffle

Uutisen oletuskuva
During the week of well-being, 28.10.–1.11.2019, you could collect stamps in your week of well-being pass. Stamps could be acquired from all of the week of well-being activities.

You could participate in the raffle by 6.11. if you had at least two stamps. All students who collected at least 2 stamps will get a student patch as well. This can be picked up from the student union.

Raffled prizes featured product packages that included, Wasa Sports Club free 1-month membership, University of Vaasa products as well as Juvenes and FSHS products.

The raffle was carried out on 7.11. and the winners have been informed personally. The winners can pick up their prizes at the Student Unions Service Office (Domus Bothnica building).

Congratulations to all winners!

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