In well-being week we take care of mental well-being

Uutisen oletuskuva
The University Well-being Week is held this week at the campus. The theme is mental well-being. Week’s activities are for both the personnel as well as for students. The University of Vaasa’s and The Student Union of the University of Vaasa’s well-being week is arranged for the fifth time.
Minimessuilla / In the minifair

– We chose mental well-being as the theme, since there are lots of changes in current situation, says Sannakaisa Holmlund, planning officer in academic affairs and one of the organizers of the week.

The Well-being Week includes several well-being related activities. During the Well-being Week the entire university community has the possibility to familiarize themselves with sports, methods and treatments related to mental well-being by participating in demo-sessions.

– We have found the event to increase the sense of community in our University. Students and personnel meet each other e.g. in demo-sessions, Holmlund tells.

During the Well-being Week also a separate minifair was organized in Tuesday and Wednesday. In the minifair there were several service providers; e.g. Occupational healthcare nurses, Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS), Counselling Psychologist, the Evangelic Lutheran parish and other service providers of mental well-being. In minifair there was possibility to measure your body composition or have a short neck and shoulder massage.

Entire program can be found in the portal:

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