Marika Salo-Lahti
Associate Professor (tenure track)
Tervahovi A330
as agreed

I have worked at the University of Vaasa since 2013 and during the years 2009-2010. My current position is Associate Professor of Business Law (tenure track). I also lead the TOIVO project. Before my academic career, I have worked, for instance, at the banking sector.
I am a responsible teacher of the following courses at the University of Vaasa:
Fundamentals of Sustainable Digitalisation
Legal Aspects of Digital Finance
Securities Law
I supervise Bachelor's and Master's theses as well as Doctoral dissertations.
I have also taught, for instance, at the Open University (UniVaasa), Levón Institute (UniVaasa), the Kokkola Master's Program of the University of Vaasa, the University of Helsinki (the Vaasa Unit of Legal Studies), the University of Tampere, and the Tampere Summer University.
I am a member of the Business Law, Information and Knowledge Research Group. My main research interests are FinTech (e.g., robo-advising, crowdfunding and crypto-assets), Legal Design, artificial intelligence (AI) and sustainability. I am doing research on these topics from a legal perspective.
I have presented my research both in Europe and in the USA. Me and my two colleagues received the Research Act of the Year 2022 award from the University of Vaasa for our research combining Legal Design and AI. My paper "Robo-Advisors and Investors: Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction Through Information Design" was nominated among the short-listed papers of the LexisNexis Best Paper Award 2017 in the IRIS2017 conference. In 2010, The Finnish Corporate Law Association awarded me with the Pro Gradu award.
Selected publications
Salo-Lahti, Marika; Ranta, Mikko; Haapio, Helena (2023). AI Tools for Sustainability: Actionable Information for Both Humans and Machines. JusletterIT, 30.3.2023.
Salo-Lahti, Marika; Annola, Vesa (2022). Investor protection strategies in crowdfunding regulation: The 4-I's model, s. 171-185. In: Responsible Finance and Digitalization: Implications and Developments (eds. Kalmi-Auvinen-Järvenpää). Routledge 2022.
Salo-Lahti, Marika (2022). Good or Bad Robots? Responsible Robo-Advising, European Business Law Review 33(5), p. 671-694.
Salo-Lahti, Marika; Hakonen, Anu (2021). Päätöksenteko henkilöstövahvuuden muutostilanteissa - voitontuottamiskykyä vastuullisesti?, Oikeus 3/2021, p. 320-339.
Oksaharju, Jukka; Salo-Lahti, Marika (2020). Sijoittajatyypin vaikutus sijoitusneuvontaan. Defensor Legis 2/2020, p. 180-198.
Salo-Lahti, Marika (2019). Vastuullisuus robosijoitusneuvonnassa. Defensor Legis 4/2019, p. 478-493.
Oksaharju, Jukka; Salo-Lahti, Marika (2019). Järkevät sijoittajatyypit sijoitusstrategioiden kolmijaossa. Liikejuridiikka 3/2019, p. 78-114.
Salo, Marika; Oksaharju, Jukka (2019). Järkevän sijoittajan monet kasvot. Lakimies 3-4/2019, p. 418-446.
Salo, Marika; Viitala, Riitta; Haarala, Laura; Henttonen, Kaisa (2019). Paikallinen sopiminen pk-yrityksissä - haasteena luottamus. Oikeus 1/2019, p. 46-66.
Salo, Marika (2017). Rehellistä palvelua asiakkaan eduksi? - Kohti hyvää finanssimarkkinatapaa sijoitusneuvonnassa. In: Keskuskauppakamarin liiketapalautakunta 80 vuotta. Ed. Paloranta, Paula. 258-276. Alma Talent.
Salo, Marika; Haapio, Helena (2017). Robo-Advisors and Investors: Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction through Information Design. JusletterIT. 2017, p. 1-8.
Salo, Marika; Haapio, Helena. (2017). Sopimusohjauksella kohti yhtenäisiä palvelukokonaisuuksia. In: Kansalainen keskiöön! Näkökulmia sote-uudistukseen. Eds.Pohjonen, Soile; Noso, Marika. 38-49. Publications of the Foundation for Municipal Development.
Salo, Marika (2016). SIJOITTAMISEN OHJAAMINEN - Sijoitusneuvot ja -suositukset sijoittajan päätöksenteossa. Alma Talent: Helsinki. Monography. 322 p.
Salo, Marika; Haapio, Helena; Passera, Stefania (2016). Putting Financial Regulation to Work: Using Simplification and Visualization for Consumer-Friendly Information. JusletterIT. 25 February, p. 1-8.
Salo, Marika (2015). Hyvä liiketoimintapäätös ja johdon vastuu. Talentum. Monography (doctoral thesis). 287 p.
Some of my international publications are available on and databases.