Jari Autioniemi

Postdoctoral Researcher

D.Sc. (Admin.), M.Sc. (Soc.)
School of Management, Social and Health Management
+358 29 449 8127
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Ankkuri 3.floor

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My research interests include the paradoxes and complexities of public management, good governance and evidence-based decision making.

I have contributed to a number of research projects. I am currently working on the RELIEF project, where I am researching the role and impact of legal systems on sustainability transformation. I am also involved in the WELGO project, which aims to understand the coordination mechanisms, legitimacy and resilience of pandemic management. Previously, I have worked on a study commissioned by the European Parliament on the effectiveness of conflict of interest policies in EU Member States. I have also contributed on conflict of interest and good governance in new welfare counties in Finland for the think tank Libera. My dissertation was about responsible public management, which I assessed through Jürgen Habermas' communicative theory of action.

I am the co-author of The Effectiveness of Conflict of Interest Policies: A Comparative Study of Holders of Public Office in the EU Member States (Peter Lang, 2021).

I am an editor of the scientific journal "Hallinnon Tutkimus " (Administrative Studies, JUFO=2), published by the Finnish Association for Administrative Studies. Previously, I worked for the association as a treasurer for three years.

I have long experience in higher education administration and digital development of university teaching. I have seven years of experience in teaching and supervision (undergraduate, post-graduate, and doctoral). I have been responsible for educational development, planning and project management. I have worked on the TRY project (Second Route to University) of the Open University of Vaasa, where a fully digital HTK degree in public administration education was created. My tasks have also included the development of a Master's programme in Social and Health Care Management into a fully digital programme.

Over the years, I have taught 17 courses, about 30 times in total. In addition, I have worked as a digital mentor at the University of Vaasa's School of Management (one year). I have acted as a contact person for postgraduate students in the doctoral programme and was responsible for the student Personal Study Plans (HOPS) in administrative sciences.


Current courses

HTK2420 Fundamentals of Research

HTK2601 Research Methods

HTM3450 Research Seminar (Social and Health Management)

HTM3605 Research Methods in Administrative Science


Selected publications

Autioniemi, Jari & Jalonen, Harri (2025, accepted). Resilience through Collaboration? Emerging Tensions and Paradoxes in Crisis Management. Public Performance & Management Review.

Autioniemi, Jari (2024). Kenen vastuu? Tilivelvollisuus kompleksisessa arvioinnissa. Hallinnon Tutkimus 43(4), 342-350.

Demmke, Christoph, Autioniemi, Jari & Lenner, Florian (2023). Explaining the Popularity of Integrity Policies in Times of Critical Governance — The Case of Conflicts of Interest Policies for Ministers in the EU-Member States. Public Integrity, 25(1), 1–14.

Autioniemi, Jari, Nordin, Patrik, Jalonen, Harri, Jalonen, Kari & Uusikylä, Petri (2023). Tilannetietoisuuden paradoksit terveyskriisissä: Tiedonmuodostuksen jännitteet sidosryhmien välillä. Politiikka 65:3, 196-221.

Mäntylä, Niina, Autioniemi, Jari & Kosonen, Jonna (2023). Academic Freedom and the Rule of Law. Scandinavian Studies in Law 69, 393-420.

Partinen, Hanna, Mäntylä, Niina, Kosonen, Jonna & Autioniemi, Jari (2023). Tutkimuksen vapauden merkitys oikeusvaltiossa. Teoksessa: Mäntylä, Niina, Viljanen, Jukka & Perttola, Laura (toim.): Tieto, valta ja vaikuttaminen oikeusvaltiossa. Gaudeamus, Helsinki. 93-115.

Hyyryläinen, Esa, Autioniemi, Jari & Lehto, Kirsi (2022). Paradoksiteoria pakottaa julkisen johtamisen tutkijat uudelleenajatteluun. Teoksessa Paananen, Henna, Jäntti, Anni, Kork, Anna-Aurora, Kurkela, Kaisa, Leponiemi, Ulriika, Sinervo, Lotta-Maria, Tuurnas, Sanna (toim.): Hallintotieteellinen tutkimus muutoksen kohteena ja tekijänä. Vastapaino, Tampere. 84-104.

Mäntylä, Niina, Autioniemi, Jari, Pernaa, Hanna-Kaisa, Partanen, Hanna, & Kosonen, Jonna (2022). Onko hallinnon tutkimuksen vapaus vaarassa? Teoksessa: Paananen, Henna, Jäntti, Anni, Kork, Anna-Aurora, Kurkela, Kaisa, Leponiemi, Ulriika, Sinervo, Lotta-Maria, Tuurnas, Sanna (toim.): Hallintotieteellinen tutkimus muutoksen kohteena ja tekijänä. Vastapaino, Tampere. 59-81.

Demmke, Christoph, Autioniemi, Jari, Lenner, Florian & Paulini, Maros (2021). The Effectiveness of Conflict of Interest Policies: A Comparative Study of Holders of Public Office in the EU Member States. Peter Lang, Berlin.

Demmke, Christoph, Autioniemi, Jari & Lenner, Florian (2021). The End of the World as We Know It  Public Ethics in Times of De-Standardisation and Individualisation. Public Management Review.

Autioniemi, Jari (2021). Responsible Public Management: Communicative Assessment of Administrative Doctrines. Translation of the academic dissertation. Acta Wasaensia 464. University of Vaasa.

Demmke, Christoph, Paulini, Maros, Autioniemi, Jari & Lenner, Florian (2020). The Effectiveness of Conflicts of Interest Policies and Practices for Ministers and Top-officials in the Member States of the European Union. Policy Department for Citizen's Rights and Constitutional Affairs. European Parliament, Brussels.

Publications and expert tasks

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