Annu Perälä
Grant-Funded Researcher

I work as a project researcher in a project called 'Making Sense of Climate Change: Perspectives of Citizens, Business Leaders and Political Decision-makers' (2019-2020). The project analyses the motivational factors, level of information and internal and mutual conflicts surrounding climate change of these three groups.
As a researcher, I have a central role in making the question patterns for our three surveys and analyzing the results. I have also made research interviews and conducted a meta-analysis on relevant literature.
I am in charge of the communications and interaction of the project. I run the Twitter account of the project and make the project updates to InnoLab's Facebook page. The project researchers – myself including – are active science communicators and have published several popular pieces on climate change attitudes and agency.
I also coordinate the work of the steering group of the consortium. The steering group has representatives from Finnish Energy, the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners MTK, Association of Finnish Municipalities, the Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of the Environment.
During the project 'Making Sense of Climate Change' I have published the following writings:
Result publications (in Finnish):
- Ilmassa ristivetoa: Suuryrityskysely ilmastotoimista. [Making Sense of Climate Change: Climate Survey for Business Leaders of Major Companies] Together with all the other researchers of the project.
Popular texts (in Finnish):
- Talouden taantuma ei tiedä hyvää ilmastolle. [Climate does not benefit from economic recession.] The blog of University of Vaasa 15.4.2020.
- Ilmastonmuutosta ei voida ratkaista ilman toivoa paremmasta huomisesta. [Climate change cannot be solved without hope for better tomorrow.] Ilkka-Pohjalainen newspaper 20.2.2020.
- Huoli ilmastosta on laskenut, mutta se ei ole keskeisin ongelma. [Worry over climate has declined, but that isn't the most pivotal issue.] The blog of University of Vaasa 18.2.2020.
- Mikä jarruttaa suomalaisten ilmastotekoja? [Why won't the Finns do more for climate?] Kanava magazine 8/19 and Suomen Kuvalehti online page 13.12. 2019 and 1.1.2020. Together with Aino Heikkilä.
- Tieto luo pohjaa ilmastovastuulle. [Promoting Climate Agency with Knowledge.] Turun Sanomat newspaper 28.10.2019. Together with Aino Heikkilä.
- Ilmastoasenteissa ristivetoa. [Conflicting Climate Attitudes.] website 15.10.2019. Together with prof. Tommi Lehtonen.
Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: @Ilmastoymmärrys [Climateunderstanding]