Jack Tillotson

Assistant Professor (tenure track)

PhD in Marketing, MBA, BSc in Sociology, PG Cert in Higher Education
School of Marketing and Communication, Marketing
+358 29 449 8541
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa




Jack Tillotson is a consumer researcher and assistant professor at the School of Marketing and Communication. He is an active member of the InnoLab research platform and the marketing and consumption research group as well as co-program manager of the Bachelor of Digital Marketing program. Jack is also a visiting professor at the University of Lille, France.

Originally from the USA, Jack immigrated to Finland from Portland, Oregon in 2013. Before earning his PhD in Marketing from the Aalto University School of Business, he studied Sociology at the University of Oregon and Business Administration at the Pamplin School of Business at the University of Portland.



Jack's research examines how individuals and groups interact in the marketplace to provide theoretical insights and practical applications in the fields of marketing and management.

Recognizing that the integration of diverse knowledge is essential to addressing complex challenges, Jack fosters collaboration between different fields through interdisciplinary partnerships. By breaking down silos and building synergistic research networks, he aims to foster creativity, innovation and critical thinking that enrich the academic and professional landscape.

His work has been published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research and the Harvard Business Review. Jack's research spans the topics of socialization, technology and materiality as they intersect with consumption, and his work is often cultural, qualitative and interpretive.




Kushagra Bhatnagar, Jack S. Tillotson, Sammy Toyoki, Benjamin Laker, Learning to Live with an Unruly Consuming Body, Journal of Consumer Research, 2023, ucad041, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucad041

Vicdan, Handan, Emre Ulusoy, Jack S. Tillotson, Soonkwan Hong, Ahmet Ekici, and Laetitia Mimoun, Food prosumption technologies: A symbiotic lens for a degrowth transition, Marketing Theory, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1177/1470593123119996

Tillotson, Jack S., Vito Tassiello, Shona Bettany, and Benjamin Laker, Integrating health leadership and management perspectives: the MESH framework for culturally informed food design thinking and well-being promotion, BMJ Leader, 2023, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/leader-2023-000838

Alexandra S. Rome, Jack S. Tillotson and Florian Maurice, Cultural camouflage: how consumers perform concealment practices and blending techniques to insulate cultural membership, Journal of Marketing Management, 2022, 38:7-8, 605-632, https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2021.1974077

Tassiello, Vito, Jack S. Tillotson, and Alexandra S. Rome, "Alexa, order me a pizza!": The mediating role of psychological power in the consumer–voice assistant interaction, Psychology & Marketing, 2021, 38: 7, 1069-1080, https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21488

Tillotson, Jack S., Vito Tassiello, Alexandra S. Rome, and Katariina Helaniemi, The spirit of sauna: legitimating the Finnish place brand, Journal of Place Management and Development, 2021,14:3, 262-276, https://doi.org/10.1108/JPMD-12-2019-0109




Pereira, Vijay, Benjamin Laker, Jack S. Tillotson, and David Collings, How to build a blameless work culture, Harvard Business Review, 2023, ISSN 0017-8012, https://hbr.org/2023/05/how-to-build-a-blameless-work-culture?ab=ascendhero-article-1

Tillotson, Jack S., Benjamin Laker, Vijay Pereira, and Kushagra Bhatnagar, How to make workplaces more inclusive for people with invisible disabilities, Harvard Business Review, 2023, ISSN 0017-8012, https://hbr.org/2023/04/how-to-make-workplaces-more-inclusive-for-people-with-invisible-disabilities

Laker, Benjamin, Jack Tillotson, Kushagra Bhatnagar, and Vijay Pereira, Are your team gatherings inclusive for people with food-related allergies?, Harvard Business Review, 2022, ISSN 0017-8012, https://hbr.org/2022/12/are-your-team-gatherings-inclusive-for-people-with-food-related-allergies


Nordic Consumer Culture Research (NCCR), NFF Standing Track, 2024-2027, https://nordicacademy.org/nordic-consumer-culture-research/

Tackling Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Multispecies Partnerships: How Outdoor Recreation Fosters Conservation, 2024-2025, LSR Foundation, 9081-b24f6


Module Teaching

Consumer-Driven Innovation MODL2010-3002, User and Open Innovation Module, University of Vaasa

Value Creation and Digitalisation, MODUULI10-1001, Digital Economy Module, University of Vaasa


Content Marketing and Media Planning, MARK2051, Digital Marketing Bachelor's Degree Program, University of Vaasa

Strategic Digital Marketing, University of Vaasa Executive Education, https://www.uvaasaexed.fi/en/online-courses/

Customer Experience Management, Bachelor's Business Unit Purchasing and Management, University of Lille

PhD Courses

NFF - Consumer Culture Theory: Foundations, Frontiers and Application, Stockholm University, Stockholm Business School



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Publications and expert tasks

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