Juha Mäki
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tervahovi D318

Haapamäki, E. E., & Mäki, J. (2023). An analysis of comment letters on a new, stand-alone standard for audits of less complex entities' financial statements. Journal of Accounting Literature, forthcoming.
Mäki, J. (2022). External Appraisal, Auditing, and Information Asymmetries in the Real Estate Industry: European Evidence. Nordic Journal of Business, 71(1), 51-68
Mäki, J. (2020). The role of investment property appraisal in European real estate companies. Journal of European Real Estate Research, 13(1), 105-122.
Sundgren, S., Mäki, J., & Somoza-López, A. (2018). Analyst coverage, market liquidity and disclosure quality: A study of fair-value disclosures by European real estate companies under IAS 40 and IFRS 13. International Journal of Accounting, 53(1), 54-75.
Mäki, J., Somoza-Lopez, A., & Sundgren, S. (2016). Ownership structure and accounting method choice: A study of European real estate companies. Accounting in Europe, 13(1), 1-19.