Niranjan Sapkota

Assistant Professor (tenure track)

School of Accounting and Finance, Finance Group
Wolffintie 32, 65200 Vaasa
Tervahovi D210

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As a PhD graduate in finance with a research focus on fintech, I have published papers in highly ranked finance and economics journals such as the Journal of Empirical Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Economics Letters, Finance Research Letters, and Applied Economics. My research has been covered by prestigious US business magazine, Forbes and popular fintech sites like and I have also been invited to present my research on cryptocurrency risks by Standard & Poor's Global and have been awarded research grants from the Foundation for Economic Education. In addition to my research, I have developed and delivered a course on FinTech and have assisted in various other courses, including master's and bachelor's thesis supervision.


  1. Digital Finance and Blockchain-based Payment Solutions
  2. Fundamentals of Financial Modeling
  3. Investment: StockTrak (coordinator/ facilitator)
  4. Internship in Finance (contact person, internship report supervisor)
  5. Bloomberg Market Concept (coordinator)

List of Publications

1. Sapkota, N., 2025. The crypto collapse chronicles: Decoding cryptocurrency exchange defaults. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money99, p.102093. (ABS/AJG 3, ABDC A, JUFO 2) DOI:

2. Sapkota, N. and Grobys, K., 2023. Fear sells: On the sentiment deceptions and fundraising success of initial coin offerings. . Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money83, p. 101716. (ABS/AJG 3, ABDC A, JUFO 2) DOI:

3. Sapkota, N., 2022. News-based sentiment and bitcoin volatility. International Review of Financial Analysis82, p.102183. (ABS/AJG 3, ABDC A) DOI:

4. Grobys, K., Dufitinema, J., Sapkota, N. and Kolari, J.W., 2022. What's the expected loss when Bitcoin is under cyberattack? A fractal process analysis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money77, p.101534. (ABS/AJG 3, ABDC A, JUFO 2 ) DOI:

5. Grobys, K., Junttila, J., Kolari, J.W. and Sapkota, N., 2021. On the stability of stablecoins. Journal of Empirical Finance64, pp.207-223. Paper (ABS/AJG 3, JUFO 2, ABDC A) DOI:

6. Sapkota, N. and Grobys, K., 2021. Asset market equilibria in cryptocurrency markets: evidence from a study of privacy and non-privacy coins. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, p.101402.  (ABS/AJG 3, ABDC A, JUFO 2) DOI:

7. Grobys, K. and Sapkota, N., 2019. Cryptocurrencies and momentum. Economics Letters, 180, pp.6-10. Paper (ABS/AJG 3, ABDC A) DOI:

8. Grobys, K., Ahmed, S., & Sapkota, N., 2020. Technical trading rules in the cryptocurrency market. Finance Research Letters32, 101396. (ABS/AJG 2, ABDC A) DOI:

9. Ahmed, S., Grobys, K., & Sapkota, N., 2020. Profitability of technical trading rules among cryptocurrencies with privacy function. Finance Research Letters, 101495. (ABS/AJG 2, ABDC A) DOI:

10. Grobys, K., and Sapkota, N., 2020, Predicting Cryptocurrency Defaults, Applied Economics, 52(46), pp.5060-5076. (ABS/AJG 2, ABDC A) DOI:

11. Sapkota, N., & Grobys, K. ,2020. Blockchain Consensus Protocols, Energy Consumption, and Cryptocurrency Prices. Journal of Energy Markets. (ABS/AJG 1) DOI: 10.21314/JEM.2020.221

12. Karn, A.L., Sapkota, N., Karna, R.K. and Rafiq, M., 2020. Striving to make better decision quicker in cloud: big data event trading in high frequency trading perspective. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 26(2-3), pp.215-236. DOI:

13. Grobys, K., King, T. and Sapkota, N., 2022. A Fractal View on Losses Attributable to Scams in the Market for Initial Coin Offerings. Journal of Risk and Financial Management15(12), p.579. DOI:

14. Sapkota, Niranjan (2022) Essays on the New Blockchain-Based Digital Financial Market: Risks and Opportunities. Acta Wasaensia 491. Doctoral dissertation. Vaasan yliopisto / University of Vaasa. Link:


Grants and Awards

1. Primus Doctor (The sixth Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees, University of Vaasa, 19-21 September 2024)

2. The Most Deserving Youth in the Education Sector (Kavrepalanchok district, Nepal), National Youth Association, 2024.

3. 30.000 Euro research funding awarded from the FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION, Finland for Entrepreneurship, Scaling and Growth during the application round of 2023.

4. Science Communication Award, Honorary Mention 2023, University of Vaasa for featuring research in prestigious national and international news media outlets.

5. 30.000 Euro research funding awarded from the FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION, 2022.

6. 28.000 Euro research funding awarded from the FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION, 2021.

7. 50.000 Euro team research funding awarded together with my PhD supervisor from the FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION, 2019.

8. 900 Euro travel grant award, Erkki Paasikivi Foundation, 2019.

9. Award of appreciationPolar Bear Pitching, Midnight Pitch Fest, Oulu 2014 For the outstanding e?orts and contribution to the pitching event.

10. 500 Euro scholarship award from the Martti Ahtisaari Institute of Global Business and Economics for excellent performance in studies. Oulu Business School, University of Oulu 2014.

11. Full Scholarships awards (2012-2013, 2013-2014) Oulu Business School, University of Oulu.



1. 7th Cryptocurrency Research Conference 23-24 September 2024, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE. (Session Chair)

2. 13th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS) in Paris School of Business, June 20-22 2024, Paris France.

3. 6th Cryptocurrency Research Conference 28-29 August 2023, International University of Monaco, Monaco. (Session Chair)

4. International Risk Management Conference 1-3 October 2021, Cagliari, Italy, Online.

5. 4th Cryptocurrency Research Conference 16-17 September 2021, Centre for Digital Finance, the University of Southampton and the ICMA Centre, Online. (Session Chair)

6. World Finance Conference, 3-6 August 2021, University of Agder, Kristiansand Norway

7. 3rd Cryptocurrency Research Conference 14-15 September 2020, Centre for Digital Finance, the University of Southampton and the ICMA Centre, Online.

8. 28th European Financial Management Association, 2019 Annual Meetings, June 26-29, 2019, University of Azores, Ponta Delgada, Island of S. Miguel, Portugal

9. 17th Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives Conference, 23- 25 September 2019, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.

10. FINANCE, PROPERTY, TECHNOLOGY AND THE ECONOMY CONFERENCE, 2-3 December 2019, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.


Selected Media Coverages

  1. Forbes: How To Tell If Your Cryptocurrency Will Go Bust
  2. TheStreet: Social Media Urge to Use Monero, Zcash to Avoid India's Crypto Tax
  3. What happened to all those failed cryptocurrencies?
  4. VAASA INSIDER: Forbes lyfter upp Vasa universities forskning omryptovaluta
  5. COINTELEGRAPH: Is Technical Trading in Cryptocurrency Markets Profitable?
  6. A Variable Moving Average Strategy for Bitcoin Outperforms HODLing


Guest Speaker

Standard & Poor's (S&P) Global Methodologies, headquarter (Online)

Topic: Different Sides of Cryptocurrency Risks, May 24, 2022.

Invited by: Dr. Cristina Polizu, Senior Executive Methodologies, S&P Global, USA.


Nepal's First Open Web3 Meetup (Online)

Topic: Blockchain in Finance, January 13, 2024.

Organized by: Web3 Alliance Nepal, Kathmandu Nepal


Reviewer Recognition Certificates

  1. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (Elsevier)
  2. International Review of Financial Analysis (Elsevier)
  3. International Review of Economics & Finance (Elsevier)
  4. Research in International Business and Finance (Elsevier)
  5. Finance Research Letters (Elsevier)
  6. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier)
  7. Venture Capital (Taylor & Francis)
  8. Financial Innovation (Springer)
  9. Computer Communications ( Elsevier)
  10. SN Business and Economics (Springer Nature)

Workshops, Seminars and Trainings

1. Basics of University Pedagogy 2023-24, University of Turku  (YPEDA014, 10ECTS)

2. Graduate School of Finance (GSF) and Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (FDPE), Winter Workshop in Finance November 9, 2018, Hanasaarenranta 5, Espoo Finland

3. Seminar on Applications and Opportunities of Blockchain Monday, May 20th, 2019, Vaasa Finland

4. Graduate School of Finance (GSF) and Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (FDPE), Summer Workshop in Finance June 10-11, 2019m, University of Jyväskylä Finland

5. Graduate School of Finance (GSF) and Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (FDPE), Winter Workshop in Finance November 15, 2019, Radisson Blu Seaside, Helsinki  Finland

6. Graduate School of Finance (GSF) and Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (FDPE), Summer Workshop in Finance June 4, 2021, Zoom.

7. Graduate School of Finance (GSF) and Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics (FDPE), Winter Workshop in Finance June 4, 2021, Hanasaarenranta 5, Espoo Finland.

8. Mission Possible Event March 22, 2023, University of Vaasa.

9. Powered by blockchain Education day, Seminar and Workshop for Companies, April 13, 2023, University of Vaasa.

10. 2nd International Workshop on Global Sustainable Innovation May 22-23, 2023, University of Vaasa.

Google Scholar Profile

Publications and expert tasks

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