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The University of Vaasa is committed to The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures for Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland (pdf) (the RI guidelines) published by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK, which is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland. The RI guidelines have been drafted in cooperation with the Finnish research community.
The objective is to promote the responsible conduct of research (in Finnish hyvä tieteellinen käytäntö) while ensuring that the alleged violations are handled with competence, fairness and expediency.
The university is committed to following The ethical principles of the humanities, social sciences and behavioural sciences in all its operations.
The TENK website defines a researcher's professional skills in the following way: "A researcher's professionalism can be divided into the management of the knowledge and research methods required by each discipline and professional integrity, which together constitute good scientific practice. The entire scientific community is responsible for following good scientific practices."
The University of Vaasa has also confirmed its own Ethical guidelines, which outline the goals and activities of an ethically sustainable study, research and administrative culture in the scientific community. There is the open learning area for research ethics available to all the researchers of the University of Vaasa. Also the Graduate School arranges courses for doctoral students as a part of their research training.
For all scientific research projects or data collection targeted to the University of Vaasa, you have to apply for permission to carry out the research with this e-form. You need to attach the research plan which describes the intent of the research, methods and data management. Also the researchers, teachers and students of the University of Vaasa apply for this permission.
You have to ask the permission before you start the data collection. Certain kinds of research settings may require an ethical review. An ethical review has to be done before applying for the research permit.
If you have any private or personal information data, you should include the privacy notice to the permission form. Researchers must follow general data protection regulations, laws and good scientific practice.
Permits are granted by the vice rector of research.