Career Transition of Early Stage Researchers – CARE

Co-funded by the European Union logo

Nowadays more and more researchers end up having a career outside academia after their graduation. However, early-stage researchers don’t always have the information and contacts that would support their transition to non-academic careers. By offering information, jobs, learning and mobility opportunities to researchers, we’re at the same time investing in their career prospects and also the attractiveness of researcher careers in the future. 

Career Transition of Early-Stage Researchers – CARE is a project that facilitates the early-stage researchers’ transition to the non-academic careers after their graduation. The project has received funding from the European Comission’s The ERA TALENT Project and the activities implemented within the CARE project are a part of EURAXESS Research Career Beyond Academia (REBECA) Hub’s actions. REBECA is a network of EURAXESS members to offer services for early career researchers who are interested in non-academic career paths. This network also contributes to the permeability of research talent among non-academic jobs and employers. 

The CARE project begins with a comprehensive benchmarking where we compare Nordic and national models and best practices in providing information about career opportunities and mentoring for doctoral students. As the project proceeds, an open website based on this benchmarking will be created. This website will be used as a toolkit for everyone who have interest for the EURAXESS, self-study and presentation materials, links, career testimonials and events. 

Based on the benchmarking, we will also build a new career mentoring model in which the career mentor is either a specialist from a company or a doctoral alumni of the University of Vaasa. Within the new career mentoring model, we plan to carry out career mentoring School specific mentoring webinars, company visits and to develop further the already existing career testimonials. 

The duration of the CARE project is until the end of July 2025. 

Collaboration with:EURAXESSEURAXESS Researcher Careers Beyond Academia (REBECA) Hub

Project duration
External funding
23 750€
Total budget
23 750€
Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa
Contact persons
Organisation coordinating the project
Funding partners