Cybersecurity and Resilience of Digital Energy Systems (CR-DES)

European Union European Regional Development Fund logo
leverage from the EU 2014-2020
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Digitalization and networking of energy systems expose them to cyber attacks that may cripple functioning of energy systems and therefore cause significant damage in society. The goal of this project is to develop cybersecurity skills with respect of digital energy systems.

Goals of the project are as follows:

1) strengthen research, development and innovation infrastructure of energy sector in Ostrobothnia

2) develop cybersecurity competencies concerning digital energy systems in the innovation ecosystem of the region

3) support firms and networks of firms of the region in developing new business models

Cybersecurity and Resilience of Digital Energy Systems (CR-DES)
Duration: 1.4.2020–31.3.2022
Project leader: Tero Vartiainen, University of Vaasa
Other researchers: Mike Mekkanen and Kimmo Kauhaniemi, University of Vaasa
Research group: Smart Electric Systems
Funding: ERDF, Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, companies, municipalities
External Funding: 389 868 eur
Budget: 479 303 eur
Cooperation partners: Wärtsilä, ABB, Arcteq, Wapice, Vaasan Sähkö, VASEK

Results: WP2  Deployment of the simulator platform

Results: WP3

Results: WP4

Results: WP4

SIL Testing model

CHIL Testing model

Results: WP5

Results: WP6

Results: WP7


Results: WP8

Project duration
External funding
389 868€
Total budget
479 303€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Smart electric systems
Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa
Contact persons
Organisation coordinating the project