KOMPASSI - Online learning environment for risk management and complementary digital skills

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The aim of the KOMPASSI project is to implement a digital learning environment for obtaining a set of competencies based on risk management and complementary digital skills. Skills that can be improved through the learning environment and complement risk management capabilities include e.g. lifecycle assessment, continuity management, and cybersecurity. The combination of these skills can benefit many business sectors affected by digitalization. The project prepares rich learning materials related to these topics, such as a risk management learning game.

KOMPASSI is a joint project of the University of Vaasa and Tampere University.

Project duration
External funding
297 231€
Total budget
371 542€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Technology and Innovations
Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa
Contact persons
Organisation coordinating the project
Project partners