MINCA – Methods for discovering emission cuts in supply chains

Co-funded by the European union
Etelä-Pohjanmaan Liitto

The purpose of the MINCA project is to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in businesses’ supply chains.  The target group of the project is South Ostrobothnian SMEs that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains, i.e. aim for reductions in Scope 3 emission as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard. The need for the project is significant, as indirect GHG emissions of business operations, including supply chain emissions, are globally on average 5–25 times larger than direct emissions. Indirectly, the project will also benefit actors who implement and plan innovative public procurements, and who need know-how and tools to identify opportunities for reducing GHG emissions in their supply chains. 

 As concrete measures done in the project, a digital platform will be implemented for use in businesses. Through the platform, three demonstrations will be piloted for promoting reducing GHG emissions in supply chains of the businesses participating in the pilots. The platform also functions as a self-study environment that complements the use of demonstrations and provides material on the possibilities of identifying opportunities to reduce Scope 3 emissions.  

Project duration
External funding
267 476€
External funding for the University of Vaasa
267 476€
Total budget
334 246€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Technology and Innovations
Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa
Contact persons
Organisation coordinating the project