Safeguarding Welfare in Times of Pandemics: Towards Collaborative Governance of Syndemics (WELGO) Updated 6.2.2024 | 11:59 Duration Project duration September 2021 - December 2024 Budget External funding 3 800 000€ Total budget for the University of Vaasa 470 000€ Units and groups Project actors at the University of Vaasa Public policy and governance Complexity research Management Personnel Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa Harri Jalonen Researchers Petri Uusikylä Harri Raisio Hanna-Kaisa Pernaa Juha Lindell Ville-Pekka Niskanen Contact persons Harri Jalonen Organisation coordinating the project Helsingin yliopisto Project partners University of Vaasa Tampere University Itä-Suomen yliopisto Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL Demos Helsinki Funding partners Suomen Akatemian strategisen tutkimuksen neuvosto (STN)