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In the university’s research and expert database you can search for work published by the researchers in different forums, by their names.
Osuva is the open publications archive of University of Vaasa. Osuva includes publications, theses and parallel publications of scholarly articles at University of Vaasa. Osuva includes references, abstracts and full text of the publications.
The University of Vaasa has four publication series of its own; Acta Wasaensia, University of Vaasa Research papers, University of Vaasa Reports and the Levón Institute Publications Series. Publications in these series can easily be found in Osuva open publication archive.
In the Tritonia Finna Portal you can search for information on works which are in the collections of the Tritonia Academic Library of Vaasa. The database contains among other things links to theses. Our researchers' papers published in international journals can be found through the Finna portal.