New professors

The new professors of the University of Vaasa are celebrated each year at the Anniversary Day event in January.

Get to know our new professors by watching their presentations or interviews.

Meet our new professors, Anniversary celebration 26th Jan 2024

Xiaoshu Lü 

Maciej Mikulski 

Miadreza Shafie-khah 

Niina Mäntylä 

Meet our new professors, Anniversary celebration 27th Jan 2023

Rodrigo Rabetino and Timothy King, interview (starting from 1:00) 

New professors, January 2022


Marcelo Godoy Simões who has had a long career at the Colorado School of Mines in the USA, has joined the University of Vaasa as a new Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, with a special focus on Flexible and Smart Power Systems.

– For the last 25 years I have been working on power electronics, a key technology for integrating new renewable and flexible energy into the grid. My research areas are power electronics, power systems and smart grids, says Simões.

New professors, January 2021


Doctor of Philosophy Harri Jalonen is our new professor of social and health management.

"Complexity theoretical thinking has been the driving force in my research. It can grasp current phenomena well – like the coronavirus pandemic most recently, paralysing the whole world at an astonishing rate. Coronavirus is a good example of how the interdependencies of things give rise to surprising developments that are very difficult to predict", says Jalonen.

Uudet professorit: Harri Jalonen
Katso video

D.Sc. (Econ & Bus. Adm) Juha Lindgren is our new professor of Business Law, especially Business Tax Law.

Lindgren was appointed Professor of Business Law, especially in Business Tax Law. The new position is permanent. Lindgren has previously been a professor of Business Law on fixed-term contract. During this contract he has been on the leave of absence from his previous position as Director General of the Finnish Tax Administration.

Watch the video (subtitles in English):

Uudet professorit: Juha Lindgren
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Arto Ojala is professor of international business at the University of Vaasa.

"My research is a cross-section of international business, information systems and entrepreneurship. I have always been interested in international business. Even the topic of my dissertation was international business in the context of software companies", says Ojala.

Vaasan yliopiston uudet professorit: Arto Ojala
Katso video

New professors, January 2020

Christoph Demmke is a professor in Public Management. Read more or watch the video:

New professors: Christoph Demmke
Katso video

Heidi Kuusniemi is a professor of Computer Science. The field of her professorship is positioning technologies and positioning systems. The position is research-oriented. Kuusniemi will continue her work as the Director of Digital Economy research platform.


Uudet professorit vuosipäivän juhlassa 2025

Jouni Juntunen on Vaasan yliopiston uusi innovaatiojohtamisen professori. Hän toimi aiemmin apulaisprofessorina. Juntunen etsii tutkimuksessaan ratkaisuja ilmastokriisiin avoimen innovaation avulla. Avoimet innovaatiot luodaan yhdessä yrityksen ulkopuolisia sidosryhmiä hyödyntäen. Juntunen on tutkinut laajasti kestäviä innovaatioita innovaatiojohtamisen perspektiivistä. Tutkimuksen teemoja ovat olleet muun muassa energia-alan muutokset, käyttäjäinnovointi ja käyttäjäyhteisöt.


Professori Jouni Juntunen - Vaasan yliopiston vuosipäivän juhla 27.1.2025
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