Science day - 22.3.2023
Mission Possible is the most influential and innovative forum for people interested in science. Did you know that we already have the tools to solve future challenges? Of course, it's science.
Whether you work in business, in the public sector or whether you're simply interested in the future, Mission Possible is the place to be. This is where researchers meet the general audience, students and partners. We discuss science together in the light of current affairs.
Mission Possible is the place to find out where we're heading and we are confident it will be a great future.
The event is bilingual (English and Finnish), free of charge and open for everyone.
Time |
Panelists |
Topic |
Room |
14:00 - |
Minna Martikainen (University of Vaasa), Mikko Hyppönen (WithSecure, F-Secure), Riikka Heikinheimo (EK) & Philipp Vanrie (Wagralim, Ecosystemix) |
Mission possible - Tieteellä tulevaisuuteen: |
Levón |
Time |
Presenter |
Topic |
Room |
15:00 - |
Minna Martikainen, |
University of Vaasa sience communicator of the year award - Vaasan yliopiston Vuoden tiedeviestijä -palkinto |
Levón |
15:20 - |
Riccardo Notarangelo, |
Boosting innovation and university-industry collaboration. Tools and approaches for the future |
Levón |
15:35 - |
Vaasa Entrepreneurship Society, |
Launch of a new student-lead accelerator program for student entrepreneurs |
Levón |
15:50 - |
Mona Enell-Nilsson, |
Responsible research and Innovation Policy Experimentations for Energy Transition |
Levón |
16:05 - |
Hanna Hankaniemi, |
Tiedekasvatus tulevaisuudentaitojen rakentajana |
Levón |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
Room |
15:00 - |
Mikko Ranta, |
AI tools in sustainability communication and reporting |
Palomäki |
15:15 - |
Liisa Mäkelä |
Social well-being at remote and hybrid work |
Palomäki |
15:30 - |
Thomas Woodson |
The importance of inclusive innovation |
Palomäki |
15:45 - |
Ahm Shamsuzzoha |
Green innovation - A way towards prosperous business and environment |
Palomäki |
16:00 - |
Martta Ylilauri |
Green Care as a resource for eco-social transition and sustainable wellbeing |
Palomäki |
16:15 - |
Nannan Xi |
Potentials and challenges of gamification in business and service |
Palomäki |
17:00 - |
Jouni Juntunen |
The old barriers of energy communities are gone – Is the year 2023 when they are breaking into the mainstream? |
Palomäki |
17:15 - |
Shakila Bu-Pasha |
Legal and financial challenges related to blockchain technology and virtual currency |
Palomäki |
17:30 - |
Klaus Grobys |
Cryptocurrencies: Blessing or Curse? |
Palomäki |
17:45 - |
Niranjan Sapkota |
The Illusion of Decentralization: Uncovering the Truth about Defi |
Palomäki |
18:00 - |
Ausrine Silenskyte |
Developing global Blockchain-based business |
Palomäki |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
Room |
16:00 - |
Sami Karhu |
Osuustoiminnallisen liiketoimintamallin opetus ja tutkimus elämäntavaksi Vaasan yliopistossa |
Wolff |
16:15 - |
Maija Kantola |
Ravitsemusmerkin vaikutus ruokakokemukseen |
Wolff |
16:30 - |
Heli Siirilä |
Keinoja kestävään työmatkaliikenteeseen |
Wolff |
16:45 - |
Ville Tuomi |
Kestäviä tuotteita orgaanisista sivuvirroista digitalisaation keinoin – kannattaako se? |
Wolff |
17:00 - |
Henna Syrjälä |
Ilmastoviisaus asumisen käytännöissä: Kuluttajien toimijuuden rajoittajat ja mahdollistajat |
Wolff |
17:15 - |
Carita Eklund |
Naiset, tuottavuus ja innovaatiot |
Wolff |
17:30 - |
Juha Arrasvuori, |
Riskienhallinta digitaalisessa toimintaympäristössä: case KOMPASSI-hanke |
Wolff |
17:45 - |
Tomi Laapotti |
Digitaaliset alustat meissä |
Wolff |
Time |
Panelists |
Topic |
Room |
16:30 - |
Rebekah Rousi, |
Why does privacy matter? - a BUGGED panel discussion |
Levón |
17:10 - |
Khuram Shahzad, |
Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy - EntRENEW |
Levón |
17:50 - |
Nikos Hatziargyiou |
Local Energy Communities |
Levón |
Time |
Panelists |
Topic |
Room |
18:00 - |
Jenni Kantola, |
Etätapaamisiin osallistumisen uusi normaali |
Wolff/ |
18:40 - |
Harri Jalonen, |
Hyvinvoinnin leveämmät hartiat – totta vai tarua? |
Wolff |
19:20 - |
Minna-Maarit Jaskari, |
Saunan lauteilla – suomalaisten pyhällä paikalla |
Wolff |
Time |
Contact Person |
Description |
Location |
Additional Notes |
16:00 - 16:30 |
Rayko Toshev |
Metal Additive Manufacturing Lab is a 3D metal printing laboratory with a wide range of printing possibilities: from simple spare parts to complex and geometrically demanding components. |
Technobothnia, Puuvillakuja 3 |
Starts in the Technobothnia Aula |
16:30 - 17:00 |
Rayko Toshev |
Metal Additive Manufacturing Lab is a 3D metal printing laboratory with a wide range of printing possibilities: from simple spare parts to complex and geometrically demanding components. |
Technobothnia, Puuvillakuja 3 |
Starts in the Technobothnia Aula |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Jaako Yliaho, |
The Space Data Lab is a laboratory focusing on the use of space data, such as remote sensing and positioning data. The 5G Lab includes a 5G base station and a spectrum licence for the use of the base station, as well as an edge server for the development of distributed AI-based automation. The lab also has 5G terminals for developing and testing embedded 5G systems and VR/AR solutions. |
Technobothnia, Puuvillakuja 3 |
Meet in the Technobothnia Aula |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Rebekah Rousi, |
The VME Interaction Design Environment is a state-of-the-art human-technology user interface development laboratory that boasts tools for design and development in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality, games, websites, and other software. Visual positioning is a technology for locating the device user in the environment based on a camera image, and is one of the fundamental technologies behind augmented and extended reality applications. This visual positioning demonstration shows an example where the user can discover her/his position within and outside technobothnia by means of a camera image captured using a regular mobile device. |
Technobothnia, Puuvillakuja 3 |
How to get here https://sites.uwasa.fi/vmeenvironment/en/visit/ |
18:00 - 18:30 |
Rebekah Rousi |
The VME Interaction Design Environment is a state-of-the-art human-technology user interface development laboratory that boasts tools for design and development in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality, games, websites, and other software. |
Technobothnia, Puuvillakuja 3 |
How to get here https://sites.uwasa.fi/vmeenvironment/en/visit/ |
18:00 - 19:00 |
Kimmo Kauhaniemi |
FREESI Lab conducts research on future reliable electricity and energy system integration. In the FREESI Lab, you will find real-time simulators and research in the areas of power electronics, as well as protection, automation and communication in Smart Grids. |
Wolffintie 36, F11 |
Starts on the ground floor |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
Room |
18:30 - |
Eveliina Salmela |
Ituhipit ja punaniskat - syylliset ja syyllistetyt ilmastonmuutoksen verkkokeskusteluissa |
Levón & |
19:30 - |
Jaana Rahko |
Kannattaako kestävyys – Miten ympäristöystävällisyys vaikuttaa yritysten taloudelliseen menestykseen? |
Levón & |
Free transportation for Energy Week visitors
There’s a free shuttle bus for Energy Week visitors from Vaasa City Hall to the University of Vaasa.
From City Hall to University (Tervahovi main parking lot):
From University (Tervahovi main parking lot) to City Hall:
Please look for a bus with a sign “University of Vaasa”.