Cornerstones for VEBIC Innovation Platform

European Union European Regional Development Fund logo
leverage from the EU 2014-2020
The 'Cornerstones for VEBIC Innovation Platform (VIP)' project is focused on the creation of a new, open innovation platform for VEBIC. The innovation platform is designed to be built around four Cornerstones. These are: 1) national and international research collaboration (knowledge dimension of innovation platform), 2) strategic collaboration with SME networks (commercial dimension of innovation platform), 3) collaboration with NGOs, citizen groups and ‘wide audience’ (the social dimension of innovation platform), and 4) policy level stakeholder cooperation (political dimension of innovation platform).

VIP-project is carried out between 1.8.2018 -31.7.2020 and consists of five work packages (WP). Each of the VEBIC Innovation Platform’s Cornerstones form one of the project's work packages. In addition, the project has separate a work package for the development "impact assessment toolbox" of the VEBIC innovation platform (WP 5).

The main target groups of the VIP-project consist of:

  • Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences in the region
  • Growth oriented SMEs
  • Decision makers of cities, municipalities and other public organizations.

The indirect target groups include NGOs, students and citizens interested in to participate and contribute the development VEBIC innovation platform on voluntary basis.

The concrete measures of the project are designed to be implemented primarily by organizing a number of roadmap workshops and seminars with different stakeholder groups. The approach suits well to the development of VEBIC's open innovation platform as it offers the representatives of various stakeholders – including those who do not have previous experience on this type of development projects – an opportunity to participate and contribute the efforts carried out in this project.

Main results of the project:

1) Four roadmaps to direct the strategic development of VEBIC Open Innovation Platform

2) Development of new ‘battery technology modeling’ area of expertise to be linked into Business Finland’s (BF) 'Batteries from Finland' activation package

3) New research initiatives ja projects– the first proposal targeted for H2020 program’s 'CE-NMBP-25-2019 - Photocatalytic Synthesis'-call

4) 'Working together towards clean energy'-workshop series for SMEs, researchers and other stakeholders

5) Preparation of new business-driven BF projects

6) The 'VEBIC Energy Research Day' event for ‘wide audience’

7) Energy related seminars and workshops series for young people (aged 16-19)

8) New 'Energy and Sustainable Development' courses targeted to high school students

9) ‘Information and service packages’ for regional and municipal decision-makers on energy transition

10) Development of VEBIC’s Impact Assessment Toolbox.

Project leader Petri Välisuo
Project time 1.8.2018 - 31.7.2020
Funding from Pohjanmaan liitto, EAKR, Vaasan kaupunki
Total budget 399 409 €
Research platform VEBIC
Project duration
Total budget
399 409€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Organisation coordinating the project