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Flexibilities can consist, for example, of generation units, energy storages, demand response, electric vehicles charging and interconnections. Active and intelligent utilization of flexibilities potential in electricity network operation and management, taking into account technical constraints, enables improvement of electricity networks energy & cost efficiency, reliability and maximum integration of renewable energy resources (RES). Intelligent and optimized operation and operation planning of future sustainable power and energy systems is also strongly dependent on their business models and market structures. Future operation and planning principles, based on active utilization of flexibilities, enabling technologies, flexibility forecasts etc. need also simultaneous development of compatible business models, regulation, market, tariff and tax structures which are also based on utilization of renewables and flexible energy resources and also take strongly into account the role of customers. In this research project new management and control principles for flexibilities active utilization are developed as well as new market and business models for flexibilities. In addition, research project enables development of real-time local flexibility market solutions based on utilization of new technologies (like block-chains). This research project is realized in parallel with the companies research projects aiming for new flexibilities management related products, solutions and business concepts in high-growth global markets.
Project: FLEXIMAR, Novel marketplace for energy flexibility
Project leader:Professor Hannu Laaksonen
Time:1.4.2019- 31.12.2020
Funding from: Business Finland
Amount of external funding: 348.500 euros (Business Finland) + 25.000 euros (Vaasan Sähkö, Wapice, Granlund)
Total budget: 497.872 euroa (University of Vaasa's part), total budget 4 M€ (including VTT's project and paraller company projects)
Contact persons: Hannu Laaksonen, Arto Rajala, Rodrigo Rabetino
Research partners: VTT (Klaus Känsälä)
Collaboration partners: Empower,Vaasan Sähkö, Wapice, Granlund, VEO, Comsel, Fingrid, F-Secure, Sympower, S-Voima, Ramboll, Purso