Ix3 - Intelligent international industry

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The Ix3-project aims at enhancing availability and quality of university-level education for SMEs going through digitalisation restructuring.

The project creates a pilot study program that focuses on intelligent solutions for internationalization, especially for SMEs. The study program is based on a model, where universities and companies do together, learn together and develop together. Three SMEs from the Ostrobothnia area participate in the development of the study program. The outcome of the project is a learning platform for intelligent industrial solutions for internationalization.

The project also renews the education of VAMK and UVA to better meet the present and the future needs of companies.

IX3 is a joint project between Design center Muova, Strategic Business Development -research group of the University of Vaasa and the Digital Economy research platform of the University of Vaasa.

Project leader at University of Vaasa: Mikko Ranta (DE) / Marko Kohtamäki (SBD)
Project time: (month/year-month/year): 01.01.2020 – 30.06.2022
Funder: European Social Fund
Received external funding: 255 000e
Research group: Digital Economy  and Strategic Business Development -research group
Contact person: Mikko Ranta (DE) / Marko Kohtamäki (SBD)
Research partners: Muova
Other partners: Three SMEs from Ostrobothnia area.

Website of the project: Ix3

Project duration
External funding
255 000€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Digital Economy
Strategic business development