Business Law and Information
About the research group
The Business Law and Information research group produces multidisciplinary research where business studies and law intersect. The research program emphasizes the phenomenon-oriented connection between research on corporate law, tax law, and business. The goal is to examine the impact of legal and business information especially related to the economical decision making on businesses and their owners. The research produces tools to create a more efficient business environment, manage risks and develop new business opportunities.
The research group collaborates closely with departments at the University of Vaasa, other universities in Vaasa and in Finland. The international cooperation is focused especially on other European countries and USA.
The research program is headed by Professor Juha Lindgren.
Research programme
The Business Law and Information research program produces multidisciplinary research combining expertise in business studies and law. In the research group, study and education, legal and business issues must be linked to the knowledge of the factual content of the phenomenon-oriented research subject. The research program collaborates also with representatives from the other fields of science.
The research program emphasizes connection between research on corporate law, tax law, and business. The research conducted by the research group focuses on the significance of information in various dimensions of corporate operations, both nationally and internationally. The goal is to examine the impact of the regulation of information on businesses and their owners. The research produces tools to create a more efficient business environment, manage risks and develop new business opportunities.
The research group collaborates closely with other research groups at the University of Vaasa and other universities in Vaasa. The University of Vaasa also works in close partnership with the Universities of Lapland, Turku, Tampere, Eastern Finland and Helsinki, as well as with other national and international partners. The international co-operation focuses especially to Europe and USA both in terms of research and teaching.
Objectives of the research program
The program’s societal objective is to meet the constantly growing need for information in businesses and public administration, regarding the legal regulation of the field and legislative development needs. It also aims to clarify the content and methods of Business Law and Information to assist the contract field, education, and communication in general.
The program aims to apply scientific research to create educational material and write publications to meet the needs of businesses. A further goal is to educate both teachers and other producers and users of this kind of legal information in order to implement an educational project and safeguard continuity.
Key research themes
Business Taxation
- Interpretation of EU Tax Law and Domestic Tax Law
- Specific Issues of Business and Entrepreneurs Taxation
- Value Add Tax
Other taxation and tax procedure
- Transfer tax
- Real estate taxation
- Tax procedure
- Tax subsidies
- Excise duty
- Energy and environmental taxation
- Forest tax
- Tax offences
Securities markets
- Reasonable investor
- Investment advice and robo-investment advice
- Crowdfunding
- Corporate decision-making
- Articles of association
- Regulatory strategy
Contract law
- Contracts
- Interpretation of Contract
- Contract design and proactive contract design
- Legal Design
- Contract Design
- Proactive Law and Proactive Legal Design
- Smart Contracts
Research group members
Vesa Annola
Helena Haapio
Marika Salo-Lahti
Olli Välimäki
Jaana Boelius
Pekka Vainio
Naji Shah Mohammadi
Jarkko Raitio
Mika Kärkkäinen
Hilja Autto
Ari Saarnilehto
Siru Kaunisto
Anastasiia Dardykina
Risto Nuolimaa
Kalle Määttä
Timo Torkkel
Asko Lehtonen
Ville Mannonen
Jenni-Maria Lappalainen
Doctoral students
- Timo Saranpää
- Visa Kananoja
- Jukka Oksaharju
- Petra Lyly
- Ulla-Maria Karhu
- Finnegan Milva
- Siru Lönnblad
- Jenna Andersson
- Minna Kaasalainen
- Matti Vaattovaara
- Mikko Pihlajamäki
- Liisa Mariapori
- Sari Innanen
- Piia-Riina Rukakoski
- Kirsti Ikola
- Joonas Orkola
- Raimo Wiklund
- Wilhelmiina Kukkamo
- Lappalainen Jenni-Maija
- Lähteenmäki Marita
- Tsygankova Tetiana
- Johanna Pihlajamaa