Public Policy and Governance
About the research group
The contemporary challenges faced by governments are characterised by complexity and uncertainty. Yet it is imperative for governments to carefully evaluate a range of potential scenarios and promptly respond to them in an effective way. The public sector must proactively anticipate future developments, and consistently find, evaluate, and adopt innovative solutions to capitalise on forthcoming prospects, all while mitigating risks by enhancing the resilience of their public systems.
The research group on Public Policy and Governance (PPG) advances theoretical and empirical cutting-edge research in administrative sciences. We provide innovative perspectives and develop tools for leaders, managers, and decision-makers to enhance policy-making and governance in complex environments.
The versatile expertise of our group members combines managerial, regulatory, and spatial aspects of public policy and governance in our three focus areas:
- Governance of complex systems
- Public sector reforms and innovations
- Co-creation of knowledge and societal value
Research in these interdisciplinary areas draws from the expertise of our discipline-based teams in public management, public law, regional studies and social and health management.
The focus areas are visible in internationally ambitious research initiatives, strong national brand in complexity research, and active high-quality publishing and versatile externally funded project portfolio.
We pursue strong research-based societal impact by working actively with our key stakeholders sharing our core values for innovative and sustainable public sector renewal, both in academia and in partner organizations locally, nationally and globally. Our work contributes to UN’s Sustainable Development Goals primarily in following areas:
- Good Health and Well-Being (3);
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (9);
- Sustainable Cities and Communities (11);
- Climate Action (13);
- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (16), and
- Partnerships for the Goals (17).
Connected to continuous stakeholder interaction, we maintain active research-teaching nexus, through which we contribute to our education programmes (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programmes) in Administrative Sciences. The research group produces 4–6 new PhDs annually.
The research group is chaired by Research Manager Petri Uusikylä and Helka Kalliomäki, Associate professor in Regional Studies.
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