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The three main focus areas of the group of Mathematical and Statistical Modelling are Mathematics, Business Mathematics, and Statistics. The group makes research especially using Mathematical and Statistical Modeling.
The members of the group are professors, post-doc researchers, and PhD students. The group has active national and international research collaboration with several researchers from different national and foreign Universities, scientific and other organizations. The members of the group publish their research mainly in international refereed journals such as Bernouilli, Journal of Functional Analysis, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, Mathematische Annalen, Review of Financial Studies, Stochastic Processes and their Applications.
The leader of the research group is Professor Seppo Hassi.
Professori Seppo Hassin syntymäpäivän kunniaksi kirjoitettu juhlakirja sisältää 13 tieteellistä artikkelia. Kirja keskittyy kolmeen eri aiheeseen: funktionaalinen analyysi ja operaattoriteoria, reuna-arvo-ongelmat, tilastotiede, stokastiikka ja matematiikan historia.
Acta Wasaensia 462. Vaasan yliopisto. 2021
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