International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board of the University of Vaasa brings a valuable insight into the development of the university. 

The members of the Advisory Board are:

  • General Director Anders Ahnlid, National Board of Trade Sweden
  • Professor Agnes Cheng, Oklahoma University
  • Director Riikka Heikinheimo, Confederation of Finnish Industries
  • Mayor Tomas Häyry, City of Vaasa
  • Managing Director Hannu Mäntymaa, Wärtsilä Finland
  • Finnish Member of the European Parliament Sirpa Pietikäinen
  • President Timo Ritakallio, OP Financial Group
  • Professor James L. Smith, Edwin L. Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University
  • President Karen Spens, BI Norwegian Business School
  • Country Managing Director Finland Pekka Tiitinen, ABB Finland
  • Dean Bruno Van Pottelsberg, Solvey Business School