Rector and vice-rectors
Minna Martikainen, rector
The rector of the University of Vaasa is D.Sc. (Econ.) Minna Martikainen.
Martikainen previously worked as the vice-rector responsible for research at the University of Vaasa. Before this, she worked as a professor of financial accounting and dean for education at Hanken School of Economics (Finland). Martikainen has also worked as a professor at Aalto University School of Business, vice-rector for international affairs and professor of business finance and accounting at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), researcher at the University of Vaasa, and visiting researcher at Louisiana State University, USA. In addition, Martikainen has extensive experience in the business sector through board memberships and expert assignments.
Minna Martikainen
tel. +358 29 449 2073 / rehtori(at)
Executive Services Specialist Emmi Karjaluoto
tel. +358 29 449 8636 / assistant.rector(at)
Executive Assistant Inka Heinistö
tel. +358 29 449 8616 / inka.heinisto(at)

Tanja Risikko, vice-rector
The vice-rector of education and stakeholder relations at the University of Vaasa is Tanja Risikko, Doctor of Science in Technology.
The vice-rector of education and stakeholder relations is responsible for organising services that support studies, degree programmes and teaching, as well as the strategic development of these areas. She develops activities considering, among other things, changes in learning and educational needs, the principles of continuous learning, digital development trends, and the goals the university has set for internationalisation. She actively follows education policy and related legislation and is responsible for their implementation at the university. The vice-rector also actively represents the university in national and international networks. The vice-rector acts as the rector's deputy and is a member of the university's management team.
Strengthening societal interaction and developing stakeholder and advocacy work is part of the vice-rector's responsibilities.
Vice-rector Tanja Risikko
tel. +358 29 449 8612 / tanja.risikko(at)
Executive Assistant Heta Söderman
tel. +358 29 449 8699 / assistant.rector(at)

Mika Grundström, vice-rector
The vice-rector of research at the University of Vaasa is Ph.D. Mika Grundström. Grundström has a doctorate in engineering, and his main area of focus is telecommunications technology and signal processing.
The vice-rector of research is responsible for the strategic development of research, innovation and commercialisation activities, and doctoral education. He promotes the principles of responsible and open science, international research activities and the international and national development of research funding. He actively follows the research policy and related legislation and is responsible for their implementation at the university. The vice-rector also actively represents the university in national and international research networks. The vice-rector acts as the rector's deputy and is a member of the university's management team.
Mika Grundstöm
tel. +358 29 449 8786 / mika.grundstrom(at)
Executive Assistant Inka Heinistö
tel. +358 29 449 8616 / inka.heinisto(at)

Martin Meyer, vice-rector
The vice-rector of international relations at the University of Vaasa is Professor, PhD Martin Meyer, the director of InnoLab.
The vice-rector works closely together with the rector in strategic planning and acts as a deputy to the rector. The duties of the vice-rector include the internationalisation of research and education programmes, strengthening international partnerships and networks, accreditations and university rankings. This includes further developing the University’s infrastructure for internationalization. The vice-rector collaborates with researchers, lecturers and exchange students from different scientific communities and represents the university in international networks.
Vice-Rector Martin Meyer
tel. +358 29 449 8629/ martin.meyer(at)
Executive Assistant Inka Heinistö
tel. +358 29 449 8616 / inka.heinisto(at)