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– Internalisation is the key to success and one of the main focuses in our university’s strategy. We need strong international cooperation to tackle global challenges. We are glad that we can develop the EUNICE European University even further and be in the front line in shaping the future of European higher education. Together with our partners we can bring our students and staff all over Europe closer to each other to share knowledge, resources, experiences and innovations, says Rector Minna Martikainen.
EUNICE started its activities in 2020 with seven European universities as its members. After a pilot of three years, and having expanded the alliance to ten partner universities, EUNICE's vision to expand and develop its activities has now been supported by the European Commission in the 2023 Erasmus+ European Universities call. EUNICE can obtain funding up to 14.4 M euros to ensure the sustainability of its activities until 2027.
The collective goal of the member universities is to provide unique and personalized educational pathways to students, foster interdisciplinary approaches to solve complex problems, and collaborate with local partners to enhance regional effectiveness and vibrancy.
– We, at EUNICE, believe that together we can overcome the barriers that each of our institutions faces apart. Ultimately, our success will help to forge European communities better able to overcome contemporary social and economic challenges, and by extension create new solutions for Europe as a whole, says Prof. Teofil Jesionowski, Rector of Poznań University of Technology, the institution coordinating this project.
During its activities, EUNICE has provided students at its member universities with, among other things, high-quality digital study offerings. Thus, students have had the opportunity to diversify their degree with studies not available at their home university. Students have also been invited to innovate together and meet face-to-face in summer courses, for example.
– In the coming years, we will deepen our cooperation and move towards deep structural changes. For example, we will start joint multidisciplinary study programmes among EUNICE universities. In addition, we will continue to develop and expand the well-proven actions that we have already started, says Develop Manager Ivanka Capova.
Read more about the co-operation and the joint vision of EUNICE universities from the EUNICE website.
EUNICE is one of the 50 European Universities alliances selected by the European Commission for the European Universities initiative. It can receive a budget of up to €14.4 million for four years to expand and develop its activities.