Strengthening Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Education and SME Management (DEI4SME)

Project Objectives: We aim to create a digital tool for planning, implementing and monitoring corporate social responsibility and educational materials for using it, so that higher institution (HE) graduates could lead the change toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) even in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that have little extra resources. This would lay the foundation for creating the EU’s joint standard for monitoring social responsibility and solving a number of social challenges in the union.
Activities planned in the project: Involving multiple stakeholders, we will first gather insights on DEI challenges and potential solutions for SMEs via survey (generalized insights) and hackathons (in-depth case analysis for deep knowledge, contextualized solutions). Then, we will design a framework for DEI planning, implementation, and monitoring, upon which the third set of activities – the digital tool for DEI management in SMEs and educational material to adopt the tool and best DEI management practices - will be produced.
Expected Results: HE Institutions will receive digital education infrastructure to develop graduates’ skills needed to lead change toward social responsibility in SMEs. SMEs will receive a digital tool to plan, implement, and report measurable DEI activities in line with the ESG requirements in the EU. The project will support employment of multiple underrepresented groups, especially students with diverse backgrounds, because SMEs will develop competencies in and awareness of the DEI management.
If you would like to join project activities as a corporate partner (e.g., you represent SME who would like to enhance social responsibility implementation and reporting), as an educator who would like to engage your students with social sustainability, or a volunteer speaker advocating DEI, please do let us know.
Project team: Aušrinė Šilenskytė (Project leader), Sniazhana Diduc (Project Co-Manager), Leena Kunttu (Project Co-Manager); Tiphaine Delecour (Trainee, Project coordinating), Shariful Chowdhary (Trainee, Project coordinating)
Please read more at the project's website: