
Euroopan unionin osarahoittama

The project addresses dual challenges in today’s food systems: promoting healthier diets and reducing environmental impacts. European diets are nutritionally imbalanced, with high animal protein consumption and low dietary fiber, while existing plant-based foods often rely on highly refined ingredients with additives and low nutritional value.

Sustain-a-bite aims to overcome these issues through innovative, sustainable, and minimal processing methods to create nutritious, tasty, and affordable plant-based foods, aligning with the EU Green Deal’s Farm2Fork Strategy.

By collaborating with stakeholders across the food value chain—producers, manufacturers, retailers, researchers, authorities, and consumers—the project fosters innovation, drives market adoption, supports inclusive local food systems, and promotes healthier lifestyles for a sustainable future.

Hankkeen kesto
Ulkoinen rahoitus, Vaasan yliopiston osuus
251 000€
5 600 000€
Yksiköt ja ryhmät
Hankkeeseen osallistuvat Vaasan yliopiston toimijat
Markkinointi- ja kulutustutkimus
Markkinointi ja viestintä
Vastuuhenkilö Vaasan yliopistossa
Hanketta koordinoiva organisaatio