Yrkeshögskolan Novia Päivitetty 31.8.2020 | 23:23 Verkkosivusto https://www.novia.fi/ Koordinaattori Hankkeen kesto NoICE – Nordic Icing Center of Expertise 09/2018 - 08/2021 Projektikumppani Hankkeen kesto WSTAR - Wasa zero emission data centre 01/2023 - 12/2025 5G HUB Vaasa 08/2021 - 06/2023 Technobothnia Robotic Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (TB-RAM CoE) 03/2019 - 02/2021 GREENOVET-European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation 11/2020 - 10/2024 KvarkenSpaceEco 09/2019 - 10/2022