How to apply
Apply to our international Bachelor's and Master's programmes
Every year, we welcome international master's students without entrance exams. Admission decisions are based on your application documents. Check the specific instructions and deadlines below.
We have two applications to Master's programmes for autumn 2025 intake:
- Rolling admission is open only to applicants who have completed their previous degree at a non-Finnish higher education institution. Applicants who meet the criteria will be accepted in the order that they apply until the intake is full.
- Joint admission is open to those with previous degrees from Finland or abroad. Results of the joint application round are announced in spring after all applications have been processed.
Applications to international Bachelor's programmes for autumn 2025 intake:
- Rolling admission is open to applicants who have completed their upper secondary education outside Finland.
- Separate admission is open to applicants who have completed Finnish matriculation examination, International Baccalaureate diploma (IB) or European Baccalaureate examination (EB) in or outside Finland, or Deutsches Internationales Abitur Diploma (DIA) or Reifeprüfung diploma (RP) in Finland.
Even if you have not graduated yet, you can still apply!
Just submit an officially certified copy of your latest transcript of records. Submit the documents that you have at the time of application and if you receive your degree certificate and final transcript of records during the application period, send them too. You might be conditionally accepted pending graduation. Make sure to meet our admission criteria (e.g. CGPA) and present your degree certificate and final transcript of records to us by 10 July 2025.
Application deadlines and instructions
Applying for autumn 2025? Here's how!
Master's programmes
- Rolling admission: Apply from 21 October 2024 at 16:00 (UTC+3) to 31 March 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+3)
- Apply here
Joint application round: Apply from 8 January 2025 at 8:00 (UTC+2) to 22 January 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+2)
Bachelor's programmes
- Rolling admission: Apply from 13 March to 10 April at 15:00 (UTC+3)
- Apply here
- Separate admission: Apply from 13 March to 10 April at 15:00 (UTC+3)
- Apply here
Please note: In the joint application to master's programmes and in both applications to bachelor's programmes, applicants from outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland are required to pay an application fee (100€) in order to apply to higher education studies. For more information, please visit Studyinfo.
Admissions criteria
As our admission decisions are based on the documents that you submit along with your application, it is very important that you prepare your application with care and submit all necessary documents. We only consider applications that contain all the required documents.
You are eligible to apply to our bachelor's programme if you have completed or will complete by 10th July 2025 one of the following qualifications:
- Finnish matriculation examination
- International Baccalaureate diploma (IB), completed in an accredited IB school
- European Baccalaureate examination (EB), completed in an accredited EB school
- Deutsches Internationales Abitur diploma (DIA) or Reifeprüfung diploma (RP) in Finland
- Upper secondary education completed outside Finland (general or vocational), e.g. high school diploma. The qualification has to give eligibility to university-level studies in the country in question. The level of education and qualification must correspond to the Finnish education that provide eligibility to apply for 180 ECTS Bachelor's degree.
Eligibility for our master's programmes depends on your previous education. As per the Universities Act (558/2009), section 37, you’re eligible if you have:
- a relevant bachelor’s degree from a university;
- a relevant bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences; or
- relevant study programme completed abroad which in the awarding country gives eligibility for corresponding higher education.
Each programme has more detailed admissions criteria that cover, for example, success in previous studies and level of language skills.
Finnish universities function under specific legislation, like the Universities Act (558/2009) and the Government Decree on University Degrees. Our quality assurance system has passed the audit by the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC).
University of Vaasa values diversity and is committed to equality in education and across our admissions process. Applicants are selected on the basis of their individual merits, abilities and aptitudes.
Contact our international team and students
Do you have questions about our international degree programmes or the application process? Seeking insights into studying at the University of Vaasa? Perhaps you'd like to join us at events or webinars?
Don’t hesitate to reach out with any inquiries – we are here to help! You can also connect directly with our student ambassadors for firsthand insights. If you'd like agent support for applying, you can find a list of our approved education agents on our contact page.

Admission results
All applicants are notified of admission results by email to the address given on the application form. Make sure to check both your inbox and junk email folders.
Tuition fees and scholarships
The tuition fee in our international Bachelor's programme is 10,000 euros per academic year, and in Master's programmes 14,000 euros per year. However, if you're an EU/EEA citizen or meet specific residence criteria, fees may not apply.
Alumni stories to read with your parents
Our alumni have shared their experiences in multiple languages. Discover their stories which are valuable to read, especially with your parents.
Frequently asked questions
- Do I need a GMAT?
No, we do not require GMAT test for admission. Selection of the applicants is done based on their application documents.
- I have completed my Bachelor's degree in English, do I need a language test?
Depending on where your degree was obtained. See language requirements here.
- I have a Bachelor's degree from a Finnish Higher Education Institution, do I need a language test?
If in your previous degree you have completed language studies in English, your language criteria is met. See language requirements here.
- My language test score is below the minimum requirements. Can I still apply?
The language criteria is exact, and if you have scored under the minimum requirement you won't be eligible for admission.
- Do I need to certify my documents? Do I need to certify Finnish degree certificates?
Yes, all copies of your educational documents uploaded to your application need to be officially certified - this is with a stamp, date and signature for example by the institution which issued the original document or a notary public. Copies certified correct by two individuals not representing an official body are not accepted. When applying, it is sufficient that you upload officially certified copies on your electronic application. However, if you are admitted, you must submit your educational documents according to country-specific requirements if they apply to your degree-awarding country/countries.
If you are completing or have completed your degree at one of the Finnish universities or universities of applied sciences and your degree was completed at the earliest on 1 January 2003, you do not need to submit officially certified copies, as University of Vaasa has electronic access to required information. However, photocopies of the degree certificate and transcript of records need to be submitted.
- Can I apply to more than one programme at the University of Vaasa?
Yes! If you wish to apply for admission to more than one programme, please choose all the programmes you apply to on your application form. Please note, that in rolling admission, you can only apply to a maximum of two of our programmes. In joint admission you can choose up to 6 programmes, but please note that other universities participate in the joint admission as well, and you can choose in total of max. 6 programmes out of all participating higher education institutions. If you apply to other universities in the joint admission in addition to University of Vaasa, you will not be able to choose as many programmes from a single university.
- Can I apply even if I haven't graduated yet?
You can apply to the programmes even if you have not yet graduated. If you have not graduated by the time the application period for the programme begins, you are required to submit an officially certified copy of your latest transcript of records. If you receive the degree certificate and the final transcript of Records during the application period, it is recommended that you submit them as well. You should point out the anticipated graduation date on the application and submit the documents that are available by the time you apply. If you are accepted with an unfinished degree, the acceptance is conditional and you will need to present your degree certificate and final transcript of records that meet the admission criteria, to the University by the given deadline in July.
- Are recommendation letters mandatory? How can I attach them to my application?
Recommendation letters are not requested and they will not give you any additional points in the admission. Please submit only documents that have been requested and are relevant for your application.
- When do the studies begin?
If you are accepted, orientation days for new students take place towards the end of August and courses start in early September.
- If I am accepted, can I postpone my studies?
New degree students cannot register as non-attending for their first year or postpone the beginning of their studies to the next semester or academic year. Exceptions may be mandatory (non-)military service, parental leave, or the student's own illness/injury.
- Can I transfer credits?
University of Vaasa does not have transfer agreements with any universities at the moment. If you are accepted to a Master's programme you are required to complete 120 ECTS.
- Are there tuition fees and do you have scholarships available?
Annual tuition fee is 14,000 euros per academic year in all our Master's Programmes for students admitted in the autumn 2025 intake. University of Vaasa provides a scholarship scheme for students who are subject to tuition fees. You can apply for the scholarship at the same time when applying for the admission to the Master's Programme. More information on tuition fees and scholarships is available here.
- Who can I contact if I have questions?
If you have questions on how to apply or about the admission criteria, you are most welcome to contact the Admission Services of the University of Vaasa at admissions(at)
For inquiries about your application, please contact us primarily via email.
Phone service hours: Mondays and Thursdays at 12:00-14:00 (Finnish local time), +358 29 449 8006
Please note that there might be delays in the responses during holiday seasons and the application period, therefore it is important that you read the admission criteria carefully through to make sure your application is complete.
Exceptions to our phone service hours
No exceptions at the moment