EUNICE European University Welcomes Three New Members

Rectors, and Presidents of EUNICE, the European University for Customised Education, signed on 27.9.2022 the statutes of its own legal entity and the expansion agreement that increases the alliance to ten members with three new universities: the University of Peloponnese (Greece), the Polytechnic Institute of Visseu (Portugal) and the University of Karlstad (Sweden). The signing took place today during the General Assembly of the EUNICE consortium in Santander (Spain), as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the University of Cantabria.
“The synergy coming from the cooperation with the new members will strengthen the already existing ties between our institutions”, explains Rector Teofil Jesionowsky, from the coordinating institution of EUNICE, Poznań University of Technology (Poland). Until now, EUNICE has consisted of the following universities: University of Vaasa, Poznan University of Technology, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus- Senftenberg, University of Cantabria, University of Mons, University of Catania, and Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France.
The Rectors, Presidents and other top representatives of EUNICE met to inform about the milestones achieved so far, such as the international internships portal, training on global skills, its first online language courses, the “EUNICE Weeks” cultural and sports activities that will start in October, or the online courses catalogue through EUNICE shared virtual campus.
International experience at home
These are initiatives that provide students with access to the educational offering – subjects taught in English from the member universities-, interactions with European students and teachers and to live a multicultural experience without the need of travelling.
In the same line of work, among other activities, EUNICE is in the process of creating completely new joint degrees -bachelors, masters and PhD courses- that will be part of the academic offer of the ten EUNICE universities: the Excellence Programmes.