Rector Minna Martikainen elected as the Vice-President of the European EUNICE university network

Minna Martikainen, the Rector of the University of Vaasa, has been elected as the Vice-President of the European EUNICE university network starting from November. The network of ten European universities develops research collaboration and multidisciplinary educational offerings to address global challenges.

– Through EUNICE, its partner universities and regions have access to a large pool of future-oriented teaching and research, fulfilling the needs of global competencies and providing new experiences. This collaboration not only enriches the academic experience for students and staff but also drives regional development through innovative projects that address local and global challenges, says Minna Martikainen.

The new two-year presidency term will start in November. The President of Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France Abdelhakim Artiba will assume the presidency of AISBL EUNICE. 

– We put our focus on expanding transnational education and research through several key programs. First, the alliance is dedicated to enriching its course offerings by providing joint online and blended courses, which already engaged 2,500 participants in the last academic year. A major priority is the creation and implementation of joint European degrees, part of its Excellence Programmes strategy, says Abdelhakim Artiba about the current academic initiatives of EUNICE.

European degrees, proposed by the European Commission, would mean new opportunities for students to join a new type of degree awarded jointly by a group of universities across Europe and automatically recognised in the European Union.

The EUNICE General Assembly was hosted last week by the University of Mons in Belgium. In addition to the joint academic offerings, the event also facilitated the ratification of EUNICE’s relationship with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco, symbolising a new era of collaboration with non-European partners.


EUNICE European University for Customised Education

Started as a European project in 2020, EUNICE is one of the networks that has received Erasmus+ funding from the European Universities initiative. In addition to the University of Vaasa, the EUNICE partner universities are:

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