EUNICE spring courses - last chance to enroll

You still have a chance to join the EUNICE online courses in April and May. The multidisciplinary courses are offered by our European EUNICE partner universities.

EUNICE – European University for Customised Education offers multidisciplinary courses for the spring semester 2023. All students from the University of Vaasa can enroll to the courses. The courses listed below get the ECTS recognised in the University of Vaasa degrees. Courses appear in order according to registration times.

Registration closes on March 12

Registration closes on April 9

Please register through the EUNICE website where you will find also detailed information and study guides of the courses. For more information about EUNICE studies in the University of Vaasa degrees, see the EUNICE Study Module in Peppi.


What is EUNICE?

EUNICE is a network university that provides students and staff in the partner organisations with opportunities for international experiences, networking and high-quality online learning.

 In addition to the University of Vaasa, the EUNICE University consists of:

  • Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU, Germany)
  • University of Cantabria (UC, Spain) 
  • University of Mons (UMONS, Belgium)
  • University of Catania (UNICT, Italy)
  • Poznan University of Technology (PUT, Poland)
  • Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France (UPHF, France)

For further details about EUNICE courses:

Anna Baranyai
Pablo Cisneros Chavira

Lisätietoa EUNICE-kurssitarjonnasta:

Anna Baranyai (suomeksi ja englanniksi)
Pablo Cisneros Chavira (englanniksi)

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