Johnny Åkerholm continues as chairman of the University of Vaasa board

Uutisen oletuskuva
The board of the University of Vaasa selected Johnny Åkerholm, expert in economic policy, as chairman of the board. Board professional Anne Korkiakoski will be the new vice-chair. The term of the board is four years, 1 January 2018-31 December 2021

Vaasan yliopiston uusi hallitus järjestyi kokouksessaan 2. helmikuuta. Vaasan yliopiston hallitukseen toimikaudella 1.1.2018–31.12.2021 kuuluu yhdeksän jäsentä, joista viisi tulee yliopiston ulkopuolelta ja neljä yliopistoyhteisöstä.
Vaasan yliopiston hallituksen varapuheenjohtajaksi nousi Anne Korkiakoski ja puheenjohtajana jatkaa Johnny Åkerholm. Kuva: Anssi Turunen

The Board of the University of Vaasa has nine members, five of whom come from outside the university community.

The external members are Johnny Åkerholm, an expert in economic policy, Anne Korkiakoski, a board professional, Eero Kasanen, emeritus professor and former rector of the Helsinki School of Economics, Juha Kytölä, Vice President at Wärtsilä (Marine Solutions) and Kaisa-Leena Lintilä, Director for Regional Development at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. (Ms. Lintilä for a two-year term from 2018 to 2019).

The members from the university community are Professor Merja Koskela, Professor Jussi Kantola, Laboratory Engineer Janne Koljonen and student member of the board Kim Kujala (two year term 2018-2019).

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