Maciej Mikulski, Elina Blomqvist, Sonja Heikkilä, and Raine Hermans were awarded the Research Act of the Year award for the service model of joint laboratory research infrastructure. The recognition belongs to the entire Efficient Powertrain Solutions research group of the School of Technology and Innovations, the laboratory engineering team, and the finance administration team for their excellent collaboration in developing the new service model. The model is based on the establishment of ground-breaking research infrastructure.
The service model is being applied for the first time in the collaboration agreement between the University of Vaasa, the University of Oulu, the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and Wärtsilä Finland Oy, which was signed last autumn to implement a joint energy laboratory for industry and research institutions. The laboratory, located at the University of Vaasa, promotes the energy transition by setting a framework for future extrapolated combustion research towards zero-emission engines.
The constructed service model aims to be expanded to other research infrastructure agreements.
– Receiving this recognition is a significant achievement. It also shows how different perspectives and teams can work successfully towards common goals, says Dean Raine Hermans.
– The achievement underlines University of Vaasa leading role in powertrain research, says Prof. Maciej Mikulski. It apricates scientific excellence, engineering proficiency and courageous, engaging leadership style – a unique skillset that will allow us to shape the future of power generation. The new infrastructure with its unique collaboration model provides the critical-mass to achieve this goal.
Teaching Act of the Year introduces Vaasa to international students
Mia Juthman and Susanna Mantila, university teachers at the University of Vaasa's Language Centre Linginno, received the Teaching Act of the Year award for their online course “Finnish as a Foreign Language”.
The goal of the summer online course is to familiarise international master's students with the country’s culture, Vaasa, and the Finnish language even before they arrive in the new country for their studies. The course was developed as part of the ESR Talent Coastline Employment project (2020-2022). After the project period ended, the course was harmonised with other Finnish as a Foreign Language 1a courses. Therefore, it can now be included as credit-earning studies in the degrees of international students.
After the project period ended, the course was harmonised and included in Linginno's official curriculum as a credit-earning Finnish language course, which is mandatory for international students as part of their degree.
— With this course, we want to make a difference, making university studies in Vaasa and integration into Finnish society easier, says Mantila.
— For example, the course has enabled networking and getting to know other new students beforehand. Thus, arriving in a foreign country is not as exciting or intimidating, Juthman adds.
The course consists of Zoom meetings, independent tasks on Moodle, and a meeting in Vaasa at the end of summer when students start their studies. The final exam is taken in August-September when students have officially started their studies and received their university user credentials.
The course has attracted students, and its popularity has steadily grown. For example, 170 students enrolled in the 2024 course, of which about 60 percent completed the course by December. The course has been perceived as helping with integration into a foreign country and culture.
— Receiving the award feels really nice, of course. I think Mia Juthman and I make a great team because we bring out the best in each other. We both enjoy taking on new challenges and are not afraid to laugh at ourselves, says Mantila.
— Receiving the award is a big incentive as a teacher. It makes us think that the work we do is valuable, useful, and effective. We want to do important work that benefits our students and showcases the expertise of the University of Vaasa, the teachers conclude.
In the photo (from left): Susanna Mantila, Mia Juthman, Elina Blomqvist, Maciej Mikulski, Raine Hermans ja Sonja Heikkilä.
Interactivity and motivating teaching
The Good Teacher Award is given annually to a successful teacher who has inspired students at the University of Vaasa. This year, University Lecturer Juho-Pekka Mäkipää received the award. According to the Students' Union of the University of Vaasa, he has promoted interactivity. Mäkipää has shown a willingness to provide individual feedback and to receive feedback for improving his teaching.
An honorable mention was awarded to University Lecturer Teemu Mäenpää. The honorable mention is given to a teacher who receives special praise from students for their inspiring and motivating teaching style.
This year, the Student Union is also awarding the Student Support Award for the first time. This award is given to a non-teaching staff member who has contributed to student well-being or academic progress. The Student Support Award was given to Specialist in Study Affairs Hanna Korpela.