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The Eu-SPRI Forum – The European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation – aims to strengthen the vibrant but dispersed interdisciplinary community of researchers focusing on interdisciplinary dimensions related to policy and governance in the field of knowledge creation and innovation. It is a network of leading centres in the field, including Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex, and Copenhagen Business School.
The forum offers many opportunities for early-career scholars and encourages doctoral researchers to visit partner organisations.
– Great opportunities for our young researchers was one of the main reasons for us to pursue this network membership, says Associate Professor Helka Kalliomäki. – In an internationally recognised research university it is necessary that our doctoral researchers and early-career scholars can build their capacities and networks in an international research environment and learn from the best. The membership opens many doors for that.
The Eu-SPRI Forum supports the intellectual and career development of early-career researchers through doctoral programmes, conferences, summer schools and mobility between the partner groups.
The network of prestigious innovation studies centres also offers possibilities to strengthen European research collaboration.
– I am really delighted to see InnoLab become a member of this network of leading European innovation research centres and think this is a major step forward for the university in this area. I would expect new and deeper collaborations to result from our engagement in Eu-SPRI, celebrates Martin Meyer, the vice-rector of the University of Vaasa and director of the InnoLab research platform.
– In the forthcoming academic year, we will be spreading the word about the forum and the possibilities it offers, promises Helka Kalliomäki. We also look forward to working with our colleagues across Europe on strengthening this important research area through joint research initiatives and events.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship InnoLab is a phenomenon-based, multidisciplinary open research platform of the University of Vaasa. It invests in dynamic cooperation with its external partners and in communication that is interesting and inviting to all types of audiences. InnoLab’s research is organised around three thematic clusters capturing innovation activities at all levels: society & systems, transformational innovation, and consumer and user-centric innovation.
Martin Meyer, Vice-Rector of the University of Vaasa & Director of the InnoLab research platform, tel. +358 29 449 8629,
Helka Kalliomäki, Associate Professor in regional studies (innovation policy), University of Vaasa & InnoLab Research platform, tel. +358 29 449 8411,