Week of well-being 7.-11.11.2022

Hyvinvointiviikko 2022 - Week of well-being 2022
The Week of Wellbeing is here again!

The Week of well-being is a event organized between the University of Vaasa, The student union and partners. All the functions during the week are free of charge and open for student body and staff alike. The Week of wellbeing has been organized since 2011.   

Follow the student unions website Week of well-being and stay up to date with all the activities. 

The week of well-being schedule

Monday 7.11.

  • 9.00–10.00 The students' breakfast is in restaurant Erkki . Registration for breakfast has ended.
    Breakfast includes: Overnight oats, Ginger shot, Mini croissant / bread (ham, cheese and vegetables), juice, coffee and tea
  • 13.00–14.00 Lecture on sleep: “Nuku hyvin, palaudu paremmin - unen merkitys mielen hyvinvoinnille", Sleep coach Veera Lange, auditorium Kurtén
    You may attend remotely: link for remote participation  
  • 14.00–15.00 Student's first aid crash course - online, Registration form for course. Finnish only.
  • 15.30–16.15 Kipinä Breakdance, Class is held in Wärtsilä-hall in Domus Bothnica. The class does not require registration. Remember to bring indoor exercise apparel.
  • 16.30–17.00 Relaxation exericse, Held in Wärtsilä-hall in Domus Bothnicalla. The class does not require registration. Remember to bring indoor exercise apparel.
  • 17–19 Patch sewing evening, The sewing evening is organized by Tutti ry 

Tuesday 8.11.

  • 11.00–14.00 Mini Fair, the mini-fair takes place in Mathilda hall
  • 11.00–14.00 VR Relaxation B115, Relaxation opportunity using virtual glasses and programming. 
  • 17.00 –> Board game night, A board game night will be held in Amarillo .The event is organized by Hallinnoijat ry and SYY Wasa ry 
  • 19.00–> Student movie night at Ritz. Reserve ticket for the show - Murder on the Oriental Express . Event on Facebook. The movie night is organized by the Student Union of the University of Vaasa and the Mikä neuvoksi -project 

Wednesday 9.11.

  • 11.00–14.00 Mini Fair, the mini-fair takes place in Mathilda hall
  • 11.00–14.00 VR Relaxation B115, Relaxation opportunity using virtual glasses and programming. 
  • 12.00–16.00 Onnellisuusverstas – Happiness Studio Positive psychology has taught us that much of our happiness is in our own hands. Come to this drop-in session and build an agenda that suits your needs and preferences from practical, everyday activities designed to boost your happiness! The event takes place in Palomäki hall (A102)
  • 18 –> Making Jewelry, Event is organized by Warrantti ry 


  • 14.00–14.45 Physiotherapist's walk, The walk starts at the Marble gates of Tervahovi. You do not need to register for the walk in advance
  • 14.15–14.45 Break pro -kick off online, link to kick off -event 
  • 20–21 CoMedia cokeilee aerial yoga, event is organized by CoMedia ry, additional information on Facebook

Friday 11.11.

Other nice stuff during the week of well being

  • Try Wasa Sports Club's gym and group exercise classes for free . Sign up for classes by writing your name on the name list at the reception! 
  • Try out the university sports services! – All shifts are available for free during the week of well-being without a sports sticker.
  • Take advantage of the free break exercise program called Break Pro. You can download it to your phone or computer using the instructions on the University Sports Services’ website. 
  • Salad lunch at Erkki all week long. Restaurant Erkki is open Mon–Fri between 11 and 13. Salad lunch with student card is 2,19 €, 4,81 € for staff and 7,08 € for visitors.
    • Salad for lunch: green salad, pasta salad + protein or rice salad + protein.
    • Proteins: Ham, chicken, feta cheese, cottage cheese, beans, lentils
    • Bread also available. Water, milk or juice for drink options.

​​Best regards,

Week of wellbeing committee

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